2017 - 16 channel ADDA converter choices and why?
I need a new high quality 16 channel ADDA converter for my hybrid DAW system. I would also be looking for the best matching interface for this as well. Stability and sound quality is the goal. What would you choose and why?
Thanks for chiming in.
New rig from scratch, thoughts good and bad!
hey all!
Observations on 2 Bus Gain Reduction
Gain Reduction can change the tone of your tracks. Sometimes for the better, adding a certain vibe or pleasing character to them - some like to use a hint of it on the master bus for "glue"... and I don't see a problem with that - in small amounts, I think it an often be beneficial - but - it can also be detrimental, too.
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Zed R16 & RME UFX
Im in the process of setting up a home recording/mixing studio, but being kind of stuck at the moment.
I have been using an A&H Zed R16 for some time, but just recently bought the RME UFX interface.
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What's her name - new mix
DonnyThompson @Chris pcrecord
Hi Guys,
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How to evolve my digital io
Everything must change... I have been a medium term user of UA's Apollo Quad interface, along with an RME AD-8-DS for extra inputs via ADAT. Recently, UA has started putting greater emphasis on their MAC/Thunderbolt development effort, and letting the firewire support lag behind.
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trial mix on Event Opals
Greetings all,
Well, the time has come. After spending time getting my wiring etc done, I have done a real time mix down of a song I recorded and mixed in my crappy room last April. I will preface this by saying, I know the vocals have some pitchy bits, I was just getting back into singing after the hiatus of 10 years from having Bells Palsey. I apologize in advance.
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My journey into Hybrid mixing
Today was the baby step into this new way (for me) of doing recording and mixing. I was fairly certain (thanks to help from others here, audiokid in particular) about how to get going. Today braving the install of the RME HDSPe card into the Mac was step one. Before all that I had to setup power and network etc.
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Passive +4 to -10 and back?
is it possible to change levels between -10 and +4 with transformers?
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Orion32 Madi to MOTU Traveller Mk3.
I am, as audiokid knows, now in possession of more gear than I truly know what to do with :). I really would like to go as Chris says to go out one system into another. Here is my dilemma, I was going to use my iMac and run a second copy of Logic Pro X, which thanks to Apple I could. Trouble is, I can't fit it in the studio alongside the 32 inch screen the Mac Pro currently has.
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