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Good Example of When to Use Omnidirectional Mics

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Submitted by anonymous on

In my studies here, I've learned the omni mics do not exhibit the proximity effect.

What are prime examples of when to use omni mics... RM, how about tutoring a good example from the dying art of micing?

[ student cap in place ]


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Thanks for the input. I'm thinking about adding a pair of Studio Project C4 to my mic locker.

From what I've been able to gather from a whole lot of reading, the C4 cardiods do a decent job on cymbals, and the omni capsules are nice with acoustic guitar. Hopefully piano, but that isn't anything I will be doing on a regular basis.

Tue, 01/13/2004 - 18:39 Permalink
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David French


Omnis can be useful when you want to mic a source extremely closely since they have no proximity effect. Also, a spaced pair of omnis is used for the stereo micing technique known as OSS (optimum stereo signal) or Jecklin Disc, a very realistic sounding technique based on emulating the interference patterns of the human head. If you get a pair of C4s, you really should try it out. Listen on headphones for the most striking effect.

Also, did you read Kurt's [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.recordin…"]review[/]="http://www.recordin…"]review[/] ?

Tue, 01/13/2004 - 19:22 Permalink
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Kurt's review was instrumental (!) in my consideration of the C4 pair. They don't appear to have the blistering hot high end, plus the come with omni capsules. I'm very interested in having both capusule types.

I'd really like to have a pair of AKG C480B, or all three AT4049, AT4051, AT4053, but that ain't gonna happen.

I'm just a duffer recordist and am pretty certain I won't exceed the capabilities of this modest gear for quite some time. I'm doing live performance recording of NGKs (noise generating kids). The source quality is lousy from the onset, so I'm not too worried about final quality.


Wed, 01/14/2004 - 05:44 Permalink
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In addition to being able to close-mic things without excessive bass buildup, they're also handy for things like overheads because the bass doesn't drop off with distance. I have a pair of Earthworks omni's and the sound of the kick and snare with those things is massive.

Also, they're great for recording acoustic instruments in general, especially in ensembles, not only because they sound so natural but because the off-axis sound they do pick up is so uncolored.


Mon, 02/16/2004 - 20:00 Permalink
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I was looking at the Neumann TLM50-S specs, and they seem to think that even omnis have diffuse field issues. Except for the 50-S, of course.

This one was interesting, as the capsule is mounted in a sphere.

No matter, as I just scored a pair of Studio Project C4 with omni capsules, and am looking forward to using them in places where I usually reach for a cardioid.

Mon, 02/16/2004 - 20:44 Permalink