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Tapco Link.usb and Tracktion 2

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Submitted by anonymous on

I'm a bit of a techno-phobe but am trying to get started with some basic recording...

I just installed a Tapco Link.usb and it came bundled with Tracktion 2 software. When I open Tracktion 2, I get the error message "Error opening audio device, error setting up audio output pin." I'm unable to get any sound or reaction out of Tracktion.

Considering tracktion

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Submitted by Wags on

Hi everybody. I am considering purchasing Tracktion. I've downloaded the demo and I have a few questions. I am currently using Cubase LE which came with my Firebox, but I am finding it a little complex. Tracktion touts itself as being simple but I find that the graphics look "toyish"(I know that's not important but I'm wondering if that reflects on the overall quality of the program).

Roland VS-2480 vs. . Mackie Onyx/Tracktion

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Submitted by anonymous on

I'm looking for opinions on which would be a preferred setup. I am currently using a Roland VS-1680 now and would like to upgrade to either the new VS-2480DVD or possibly going the PC DAW route with a Mackie Onyx 1640 including the firewire card which comes with Tracktion (Mackie's software) or maybe get Logic or Cubase. Is anyone using the Onyx firewire setup? If so what software?