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Vocoder VSTi for Cubase

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Submitted by paulears on Tue, 06/07/2016 - 02:03

I'm just finishing a track for a show - Carpenters - Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft, and have a new respect for Richard Carpenter's orchestrations - as in it's taken me three days so far, two bars at a time to pull out what each instrument and voice is actually playing - but that bits done.


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Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 06/06/2010 - 22:14

An audio processor that extracts the basic component of one audio signal and then superimposes this element onto another signal. To do this, the first audio signal (a vocal for instance) is sent through a series of parallel signal filters that create a signature of the input signal, based on the frequency content and level of the frequency components.

What's the best voice synth/vocoder software for Windows?

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Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 09/04/2005 - 12:42


Is there software that will synthesize robotic voices like the Protoss, "Zealot" from the pc game, Star Craft and also the Decepticon, "Soundwave" from the animated series, The Transformers?

Do you know if they used software synths to do their voices, or hardware synths :?:

Good vocoder plugin ?

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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 05/23/2005 - 12:04

What's good everybody? I've got the latest version of Logic platinum on PC but unfortunately wasn't able to get the EVOC20 before they stopped producing it for PC. I've got a few productions in progress and need a good vocoder plug, purchase or free/shareware.

Want a good clean, distinct sound if that makes sense. Thanks for all input.



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Submitted by dabmeister music on Wed, 08/06/2003 - 12:00

I've used both software & hardware versions. Personally I like the one that's incorperated within my TC Helicon VoicePrism. I've also tried the stand-alone plugin version (Orange Vocoder by spectrasonic for Steinberg). Opinionsto what you may feel is a good vocoder reguardless of platform would be appreciated.