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Firewire 1814 help...Vista

I'm using a 1814 with windows vista.. my problem is that when i try and change to ADAT it won't let me. I have all tried kinds of things. downloading new drivers,going to my Xp computer and reseting the 1814 and other things that an m-audio worker told me to do, but nothing. I was hoping something that knows what they are really doing can help me.

thank you for your time!

1-2 Track Recording Device (Vista Compatible)

Several years ago, I purchased an Aardvark Q10 for all my recording needs. I used this in conjunction with Cool Edit Pro / Adobe Audition until recently, and I have been very happy with the results. A few weeks ago, however, I bought a new computer, which came with Windows Vista, and my Aardvark will not function/install properly.

Should I wait for Pro Tools support in Vista?

Here is my situation. I am definitely buying a laptop for recording purposes and also want to get Pro Tools with the digi003. Right now my only option is to buy a new macbook pro (new models were released this week). However, I recently read that Pro Tools will be supported by vista sometime this summer. Now I don't know if I should get a vista based laptop or a macbook pro.

Vista compatibility info

The linked forum has already done some work posting links to manufacturer's sites about Vista drivers, compatibilty, etc. (I hope it's OK to link to another forum. I realize this is the best. but info is info, right?) May be a good place to start investigating if anyone is considering "upgrading" to Vista (so you can learn how to disable even MORE unnecessary Microsoft "features".)

Can Window Vista run that software?

I am planning to buy a new laptop computer and it comes with Windows Vista, and I am just want it for recording purpose.

but when I looking at the software box, such as Sonar 6, it only support to windows 2000/XP

Does anyone had experience in using windows Vista to run the recording software such as Sonar 6?

any problem? or any comment? should I still using XP?