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Volume Normalizer for wav Files?

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Submitted by Blue_Whistle88 on Tue, 02/03/2015 - 12:07

Hi guys!

Some of you may have heard of a program called 'mp3 Gain', which allows you to balance the volume levels of your mp3 files so that they're all roughly the same. It doesn't remove the dynamics within each track (or each album even), but basically just allows you to control the general playback level of each file. Very handy tool, and I've been using it for years.

Having problems with tagging WAV files.

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Submitted by CGoldsmith on Sun, 08/14/2011 - 17:00

I've exporting my wav files out of CubaseLE with the proper labeling. When I burn the CD the files come up with no track or artist info. So what I did was imported the CD into itunes, then changed all the info that I needed to. The problem I'm having is that it is only recognizing it in itunes and nowhere else. I've been looking for tag stamping software but no dice.

Exported .wav file from Tascam issues uploading to the web only (background noise)

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Submitted by astro123 on Thu, 08/04/2011 - 12:29

If I upload a track to the web (Sound Cloud, MySpace ..etc..) I get this warbling-like background noise in my track. I cannot figure out why. :/ This "warbling" sound is not present on my 8-track, or when I export my recorded tracks to the computer. The .wav file (or if I export the .wav file as I constant mp3 at 320kpbs) recording sounds fine.