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Small waveforms for keyboard tracks

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Submitted by Rumy73 on

Greetings. I was asked to play guitar and help record a band that's like Lacuna Coil. Always up for a challenge, I agreed. Mostly, we are working remotely. I received the keyboard parts recently, and when I imported them into Studio One, I noticed that the wave forms are nearly invisible. I can hear the tracks, but I am wondering why this would be.

digital performer waveforms?

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Submitted by anonymous on

I am using digital performer 5 with a PreSonus firepod to record live direct from our sound board. I have everything set up correctly. I arm the tracks and hit record and it works - it shows the waveform as we record in real problem is when I stop the recording the waveform disappears. how do I make this waveform stay?

What do your waveforms look like?

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Submitted by anonymous on

So I was wondering if anyone is like me and records oh say drums and in Cubase it ends up looking like its clipping all over the place, but doesnt sound like it...if this is confusing ill post pics later but I'm at work right now...

anyone have any arguments for or against this practice? basically my preamp is feeding a real hot signal but sounds fine...

Phase & Waveforms

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Submitted by Jeemy on

I think I know the answer to these questions but wouldn't mind verification or correction if somebody would be so good.

I just finished tracking a bass guitar part using an AKGD112 on the 15", a RODE K2 about 50cm back from the 4x10" and a Sansamp DI.

When I zoom right in to the waveforms of the tracks, the AKG gives a very sinusoidal wave.