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Audio Interface, periodic buzzing

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Submitted by Koile on Tue, 01/11/2022 - 04:45


I hope this is the right place to ask this question..

so I got a new Motu M2 Interface about a month ago. Since then there are periodic buzzing sounds coming from the Headphone Amps at "random" times. Sometimes it runs 3 hours without a Problem and sometimes the buzzing happens twice in 5 minutes. Turning the Interface off and on again "fixes" the buzzing temporarily.

Windows 10 for Samplitude - Home vs. Professional

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Submitted by DonnyThompson on Thu, 05/03/2018 - 07:08

Hi Chris :)
Some time ago, we discussed the various Windows 10 platforms...
At that time, you were using W10 Pro ( is that right?) And Samp Pro X.
I wanted to check with you to see if you were still satisfied with that version, and if there were any particular things you like about it in relation to audio production?

Windows 10 Pro?

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Submitted by DonnyThompson on Sat, 04/29/2017 - 16:13

@audiokid @pcrecord @kmetal or anyone...

Guys, can you explain to me the benefits ( audio production-wise ) of moving up to W10 Pro Edition, as opposed to the Home Edition I have now?

Marco - I followed that very useful link you posted sometime back, that had a great walk-thru of the steps to take to optimize my PC for audio production...

Universal Audio Releases Apollo Multi-Unit Support Over Thunderbolt for Windows 10 Systems

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Submitted by audiokid on Tue, 03/14/2017 - 20:54

Universal Audio Releases Apollo Multi-Unit Support Over Thunderbolt for Windows 10 Systems

— UAD Software v9.1 also features Console 2 software support to users of multiple Apollo FireWire interfaces and fully qualified macOS Sierra for all Apollo and UAD-2 platforms —