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Submitted by Alécio Costa on Thu, 12/05/2002 - 15:30

Hi guys! Last weel I was reading a text at terra lycos about this new self destructive DVD. Seems some stuff from 007, the movie and a new RAp big artist single is being distributed in the US employing this "new" technology.

What are your opinions about it? :w:



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It was tried before and failed It was called DIVX a format conceived by Bob Sharp the CEO of circuit city in DVD called DIVX. The disc would be purchased and would stay unlocked for 48 hrs then the disc would no longer play. The DIVX player would be connected to the phone line and give information back to the data base on the customers habits. A dismal failure.

With the envoronment allready clogged up with non biodegreadeable plastics as it is now...All we need is a toss in the trash CD to ruin the environment further.

Internet stream is much better and you could pay per view of 3 dollars for a download that would last 10 days.

No trash, No fucking up the landfills worse than they are and the small electricity a computer uses would be no problem either. I do sit around in the dark to save energy. Nasa has a light bulb that uses a 1/4 a watt and shines brighter then a 150 watt bulb. These should be mandantory replacements in homes.

I say Bullshit to the idea.

Save energy and our studios would sound better and the environment would be better for it.

Thumbs down on a throw away anything.


I would advocate boycott of this technology.

Thu, 12/05/2002 - 16:36 Permalink