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After much testing and online research, I finally found out how to not only make a 5.1 audio file, but also which of the many formats to use. Using SONY Vegas Pro 9.5 to mix 6 separate tracks to a 5.1 AC3 file. then using Audiomuxer to create a videoTS folder. then finally using common Nero 9 to burn the videoTS folder to a DVD. The resulting DVD has no video, of course, but it plays whatever AC3 files you have audiomuxer add to it in 5.1. which plays on anyone's 5.1 system. A computer can play 5.1 WAV files (and other formats), but now I can play 5.1 tunes at somebody else's house. Surround sound formats seem to be evolving in many directions. I just wanted to point other newcomers to a format that worked for me.


RemyRAD Tue, 10/18/2011 - 16:34

Oh wow! I have tried a similar scenario to that but never thought about the Audiomuxer. That's brilliant! Maybe it's also because I'm only using Vegas 9.0? I used a static still shot since it required video... and even though AC 3 is a compressed data reduced format in MPEG 2, the DVD specifications allow for 24-bit 96 kHz! So cool. Thanks a bunch! This should become a sticky. And who says DVD audio is dead? This is awesome! Maybe I'll even work in some more surroundsound now? This is a beautiful way to deliver. You are a genius! This is one of the coolest posts yet.

I think you're trying to start some trouble?
Mx. Remy Ann David


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