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Hi folks!
This shall sound dumb but as I have been thinking of making an upgrade and budget is limited, here are the options:

Go from current rig: 02R V2 44k/48k with 3 CD8At slots + PT 5.1.1 Mix Plus TDM /OS 9.2/MAC G4 800 + 2 ADAT bridges + Sebatron VM2000pVU + lots of nice authorized plugs to:

a) PT HD1 + 96 I/o, keeping one ADAT Bridge 24 bits of my rig and Sebatron ;


b) Yamaha 02R 96k + 2 16MY cards so as to have 32in/outs for in line PT Mix 5.1.1 TDM session mixes with the board.(also keeping the Sebatron )

Below, a collection of lots of pro guys advices..

> going with a digital board again is dumb, since it will be obsolete sooner than you can imagine; so, you should invest in front end like the Sebatron 200VU, Focusrite pre, etc;

> the new 02r has really nice pres and compressors so why spend in outboard;

> 02R automation sucks, PT automation is faster and stays within the session backups data;

> Pt HD is far superior than 02R 96k;

> 02R 96k is a nice controller for PT with plenty bonuses like 4 reverbs, channels, etc;

> Nobody cares about o2R's nowadays, PT HD is the word;

> PT HD will be obsoleted next year. New, more powerful cards are coming. Save money and go outboard analog;

> Go with the board, your sound will improve, BS to 96k, expensiv e bak;

> Hey, why go PT hd, pay for all the upgrades again, lose nice plugs like Lexicon, Master X 5;

so... please, gimme your opinions about it!LOL

Thanks for the attention!


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anonymous Thu, 09/04/2003 - 20:00

With a rig like that, unless you are experiencing problems, why do you want to upgrade? For the sake of upgrading, or because all this lovely new gear/applications has come out? We all fall for this at some stage and most of us are techno junkies period. But my advice, especially if your budget is small, is to go with what you've got, save your money until you have a bigger budget, and by then there will be even more fantastic stuff to wet your appetite. And you'll thank me for this advice!

Happy decision making!

Alécio Costa Thu, 09/04/2003 - 20:06

cool! One more friend from Sydney!
I remember the time I upgraded my mackie Sr to the 02R V2. Man, my older mixes sounded bass ill and like demos. Yes, the recording set-up was the same, 32 tracks of ADAT XT/DM800 as the main controller/editor.
Then, when I kicked the adat/dm bundle, I started concentrating more on PT 24 4.3 , (15% sound improvment), upgrading then to 5.1.1 Mix +. I felt something like 25% of improvemnt.

anonymous Thu, 09/18/2003 - 06:54

Olá Alécio.

Bom encontrar brasileiros por aqui.

Também estava com a mesma dúvida.

Possuo um sistema Mix+ 5.1 em um PMac Blue running OS9.1.
Poxa, no meu caso, para migrar para o PT HD teria que trocar também a máquina (-> G4).
Ou seja, além de deixar as cuecas na Quanta, tb teria que deixar as meias na Mac Market... :) )

Com essa grana, daria pra investir em outras coisas mais interessantes...

E é exatamente nessa direção em que irei remar:
Vou adquirir mais uma Mix farm e investir em outboards.. A gente sabe onde "mora" o som; ainda tem muita gente arrancando som de ADATs blackface ligados a paredes de Urei's, Neve, Avalon,480 L...
Portanto, não vou me desfazer do sistema Mix. O importante, para mim, é ter um alicerce que me permita fazer uma captação boa e uma mixagem versátil. O sistema Mix cumpre esse papel com LOUVOR !

Sound s good, sound s good !!!

Realmente, só o que me preocupa é o fato da desvalorização e da impossibilidade de fazer upgrade no futuro (ficar obsoleto).
Mas é um risco que vou correr.

Um grande abraço,

Thiago Monteiro.

Alécio Costa Thu, 09/18/2003 - 06:59

Olá Tiago! Você ouviu falar da RO na MT em qual mês?
O Enrico de Paoli também ficou sabendo que estou moderando por aqui. Mandei notícias pra redação da Revista também. Você mora onde? trabalha em qual estúdio?

Com essa de mais um upgrade de PT HD, e no final do ano que vem sai o cartão PCI-X, com um massive pack tão fuleiro pra migrar pro PT HD1, nai nai. Prefiro trocar de mesa ou comprar novos pres.

Aguardo notícias
Bem vindo!

Alécio Costa Thu, 09/18/2003 - 06:59

Olá Tiago! Você ouviu falar da RO na MT em qual mês?
O Enrico de Paoli também ficou sabendo que estou moderando por aqui. Mandei notícias pra redação da Revista também. Você mora onde? trabalha em qual estúdio?

Com essa de mais um upgrade de PT HD, e no final do ano que vem sai o cartão PCI-X, com um massive pack tão fuleiro pra migrar pro PT HD1, nai nai. Prefiro trocar de mesa ou comprar novos pres.

Aguardo notícias
Bem vindo!

anonymous Thu, 09/18/2003 - 09:22

I think you should evaluate these questions before buying any gear:
1. What can be purchased that will attract new customers/more work/higher pay?
2. Is there gear I need to buy to stay competitive with other studios in the market?
3. Is ther gear that will make my work sound better and not cost an arm and a leg, and will hold it's value over the coming years?

These are obvious, basic points but it is good to start with the basics. My point is that you might look around at your studio and decide that giving it a paint job, or building a better iso booth, or buying a cool drum kit might be a good investment.
Ah yes, but let's get back to audio gear recommendations because that's what we all love to drool over...
I think you are current for the next couple of years staying with the 24/48k mix plus system, so I would think about mics and outboard gear.
What is your mic selection?
What compressors do you have?
For low cost general gear recs, my list:
1. RNC at $175 US is awesome.
2. DBX 160xt at $220 used is a great compressor.
3. RNP $475 is a wonderful clean, transparent pre amp.
4. A fancy mic with a name like S_____ P___ Audio on it will be coming out in a few months.
This is fun! David

Alécio Costa Thu, 09/18/2003 - 10:35

I have some dbx166A´s and dbx Gates accumulating dust
Nice mic collection, like At4050´s, Sm81, Sm91, Betas, GT55s. Yes, better mic pres. I bought a Sebatron VMp200VU... shall arrive soon.
I think new monitors are pretty cool, more details in your decision environment as well as better control room acoustics.

anonymous Fri, 09/19/2003 - 10:47

Olá Alécio,

Poxa! Muito obrigado pelas boas vindas !

Que legal, o Enrico é uma pessoa fantástica !
Ele esteve com o Djavan aqui em Ribeirão Preto (onde moro); até combinei de encontrá-lo (queria muito conhecê-lo pessoalmente), mas tive um compromisso que impossibilitou...

Sou natural de São Paulo - Capital, mas estou em Ribeirão há 15 anos.
Olha, o estúdio aqui é do meu pai, publicitário, compositor de jingles inesquecíveis como "Duchas Corona" (Apanho o sabonete...), "Soda Limonada" (Só dá limondada Antarctica...), "Sanador" (tss, tss...) dentre outros + de 10.000 de sua carreira.

A minha praia é produção fonográfica. Me utilizo das horas vagas, para poder colocar meus projetos em prática...

Bom, acho que é isso aí.

Alécio, é um grande prazer poder falar com você.
:) )
Um grande abraço,

Thiago Monteiro.

anonymous Fri, 09/19/2003 - 14:59

Poxa, eu não me recordo agora qual o no da MT...
Eu estava folheando várias... Vou dar uma pesquisada.
Não, o meu pai é o Francis Monteiro. Ganhou 3 Clio Awards e 10 Profissionais do Ano. Tem 2 Jingles no CD "Jingles Inesquecíveis" da revista Meio & Mensagem.

Poxa quem sabe não nos falamos !!

Um abração,


Alécio Costa Mon, 09/22/2003 - 12:46

Está muito enrolado o meio de campo com o Pro Tools HD. De certa forma, PT HD já é coisa do passado também. OS process cards foram atualizdos/substituídos pro Accel cards e não se surpreenda se sair logo no início de 2004 os core cards PCI-X.
Ir pra Pro Tools HD vai deixar o "DAE folder" bem anêmico!hehee
Eu estou voltando ao meu antigo namoro com a 02R 96k. Comprei um Sebatron VMP2000VU, espero que chegue logo. Muito bom.

KurtFoster Mon, 09/22/2003 - 13:07

Come on you guys. Please write in English so the rest of the us can follow the thread also. I'm not sure but I think that English is the most used language on the planet. It is a de facto standard for all business transactions and is also the international language of science. If you guys want to exchange posts in Portuguese, please do it in PMs ... The rest of us would like to know what you are saying. Please don't exclude us. Kurt

Alécio Costa Mon, 09/22/2003 - 13:18

Hi, Uncle Kurt! Missed ya, man!
hehehee, I was pretty sure you were walking in to stop the portuguese gossips -hehee
In fact the other guy is going out with one of the moderator´s niece .. ( just a joke)

Translation resume: the other Brazilian friend mentioned he found Ro at Mix Magazine a few months ago. He was also happy to know that a brazilian folk was moderating here ( guess who...).
His father has a recording facility in São Paulo and has done some of the top commercial jingles here in Brazil in the last 20 years.
He was also curious of what would I be upgrading : to the PT HD eternal card exchange/plugin upgrade or to better mic pres, another console.
I also answered that I was not into PT HD this time, agreeing totally with David. So Sebatron mic pres entered the thread.

anonymous Mon, 09/22/2003 - 14:52

Going out with the moderator's niece ?
Want you kill me, Alécio ?? :)
(I have a girlfriend...)

Hi Kurt,
Excuse me for the anothers posts in Portuguese...
I also have a PT Mix+ and will not go to migrate for PT HD (or not in this moment).
I know about people making great sounds with Adats "Blackface" and very outboard like Urei's, API's, Neve's, Manley's, 480L, Apogee's, etc.
I think that outboard gear are best investment than a PT HD up-grade...
My PT system may be obsolete, but sounds good is sounds good ! What you think ?
(Probably, I am the 13865o. guy that makes this
question for you !!)
Best Regards,
Thiago Monteiro.