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any advice on hardware?


anonymous Wed, 04/06/2005 - 07:36

i finally narrowed my search down to the MORLEY ABY BOX and the LEHLE DUAL SWITCH.

the lehle is more than twice the price (175€ = ~220$) and i wonder if it pays to buy the lehle.

any experiences/recommendations on these pedals?
i only know the lehle has galvanic isolations but i dont know if the morley has.

anonymous Tue, 04/12/2005 - 12:55

thx for your opinions.

1. heard bad things about the morley switchers
2. there's no distribution for the tonebone in austria
3. went for the most expensive pedal - the lehle.
bought it new, got it broken 8-)

only one channel is working properly.
so i finally got a one channel switcher for more than 200$
how cool is that?

frob Wed, 04/13/2005 - 14:01

this topic never said exactly what it was talking about.

and yes every thing ive said i have done, using two amps at the same time with one guitar. using a Y sound just fine unless there is some other problem. using two amps and linking them togather through the second input, or "by-amping" i have done this with great results. if this is not what you where asking then say what you are asking.

anonymous Thu, 04/14/2005 - 03:36

oh... i think you missed the essence of this issue :D

it was more about splitting one guitar's signal to two seperate amps and play/record them simultanously than about just bouncing two tracks.
besides lucky me found the right piece of equipment in the meantime.

but muchos gracias to all you guys for your opinios. 8-)

Kev Thu, 04/14/2005 - 13:51

If the two amps are causing hum when on the end of a Y cord
you have a strat or bug style acousitc then you will need an active or transformer based unit ... or both

see Jensen site for an application note
High imp DI like Countryman or JLMs new DIY DI

I can give links if you need them

anonymous Fri, 04/15/2005 - 05:59

"my intention was to record a guitar from both a an engl powerball stack and a dual rectifier stack and have theim mixed together to one channel in the mix - without hum, without loss of signal and without having one amp affecting the other."

ONE MORE TIME --- in slow motion...
Let me say it again...

Little Labs STD Splitter. No siganl loss, no Hum... PERIOD...
125.00 bucks.

DONE ....

anonymous Fri, 04/15/2005 - 11:24

Y cable is filthy

Kev was mentioning something like this before. That Y cable idea is kind of wacky. Different impedances, Ground Loops etc.. sounds messy. You will also start to lose attack and tone because of all the cable impedances that start adding up.

This unit is supposed to be great:

If you know your way around electronics a bit, you can bulid the same thing for a fraction of the price, and better performance. I tried it a few months ago, and it wasn't tooo hard on me :shock:. The transformers used in the JD7 are much cheaper then the ones in the schematic below.

The sound of these units actually makes the guitar sound seem to get thicker, and sweeter! Thank you jensen.

The Dude

anonymous Sat, 04/16/2005 - 03:21

Re: Y cable is filthy

ShoeBoxDude wrote: This unit is supposed to be great:

yeehaw! i know it was existing, only didnt know it's name 8)
i'll be going for this radial-thing sometime in the future and be happy with my two-channel lehle box in the meantime.

what you wrote in the first paragraph is why i excluded Y-cables right from the start. on the other hand i'm not an electrician at all. :oops:


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