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I'd like to get some opinions for the audio interface IO|14 from Alesis (
I'm interested on doing some multitrack recording with like 4 inputs. What's your opinion on this audio interface or at least your opinion on Alesis products for this segment.



anonymous Tue, 02/06/2007 - 15:21

Note: while Alesis claims the io|14 is very similar to the io|26 with the exception of a few features, keep in mind my experience is with the latter.

I bought my io|26 on a whim since so little material was available on it and I'm mostly pleased with it: the preamps sound good to my ears--definitely on the "truthful" (versus the "colored/with-personality") side of the continuum, but they're not anemic. It's my guess this is principally thanks to the the converters, which are the same as found in the Alesis HD24 recorders. The level LEDs are surprisingly functional and the '26 offers 4 pairs of outputs in addition to the 2 headphone outs. So far it's been a pretty stout, straight-forward interface for the money.

The largest boon I've found, Blur, is how resources-heavy mine is. If you plan to use the io as your computer's primary sound card be sure your system is at least to Alesis' suggested specs.


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