9 February 2005
I have a computer (pc) with a M-Audio Delta 1010Lt soundcard, logic 5.0 and cool edit.
and a few micraphones, i would like the studio to be used for just recording some acusitc guitar demos .
what other equiptment do i need?
if you want to use condenser mics you'll have to have phantom po
if you want to use condenser mics you'll have to have phantom power, which the 1010lt doesn't have. So you'll need outboard pres. If you are using dynamic mics, just plug them into the XLR breakout cables and you'll be in business. The only thing you'll need at that point to make basic recordings is some software and some way to play back.... the 1010 will disable your audio card built into the computer so you'll have to hook a stereo up at the least to be able to hear what your doing.
You'll definitely need a mic pre amp. Do you have any way monito
You'll definitely need a mic pre amp. Do you have any way monitoring at the moment?