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I've been researching many front end options. I've read about them individually, but haven't seen them discussed together, compared/contrasted. I really only need 2 channels. I'm not opposed to more, but I imagine a 2 channel setup will yield better quality per channel.. My needs are pretty basic. I'll be mixing in the box. I would like to be able to use outboard gear for reverbs and such after tracks have been recorded. And of course monitoring. Do I have to have D/A conversion? The reason I ask is because of the digital I/O on some gear like the Kurzweil Rumour. I need to use midi, but I suppose I could do midi I/O on a seperate card. I want 96kHz, but don't plan to use 192kHz.

Some all in one type units:
-RME Fireface
-Apogee Mini Me
-Grace Lunatec V3

I've also researched several stereo A/D converters:
-Lynx Two
-Mytek Stereo 96
-Lucid AD 9624
-(used) Apogee Rosetta 200 and Rosetta original w/96kHz

My only obstacle in searching for converters are 2-channel mic preamp's. There seem to be a few decent single channel pre's for $500-800, but would need suggestions on 2 channel units. If I went with seperate pre's and converters, I would plan to spend $800-1200 on converters and $500-800 on pre's. Should I be thinking the other way around?

I would also like to have the ability to throw on a 8-channel interface in a pinch, preferably through litepipe, but that all depends.

I'm basically looking for the best possible pre's and converter's I can find within my budget. New OR used...



Groff Thu, 09/29/2005 - 14:39

I'm not opposed to more, but I imagine a 2 channel setup will yield better quality per channel..

i.e. Apogee make best converters/clock only for 16 channel version.

I would like to be able to use outboard gear for reverbs and such after tracks have been recorded. And of course monitoring.

Think about IR reverbs for mixing. I prefer "dry" monitoring, without reverbs. That's more controlled situation and push you to play better.

Do I have to have D/A conversion?

Yes. You need it for monitoring.

I want 96kHz, but don't plan to use 192kHz.

If you have good A/D/A converters, mix ITB, and audio CD as last destination, 24/44.1 would be enough.

I'm basically looking for the best possible pre's and converter's I can find within my budget. New OR used...

I vote for Lynx (quality, driver compatibility) with two channel Sebatron pre. Later you could upgrade converters to really good = Lavry Blue. 8-)


anonymous Thu, 09/29/2005 - 20:10

Groff wrote:

I'm not opposed to more, but I imagine a 2 channel setup will yield better quality per channel..

i.e. Apogee make best converters/clock only for 16 channel version.

I don't understand your statement. Maybe you misunderstood mine.. What I meant was: if I spend the same amount of money on a 2 channel interface as I would on an 8 channel, I would assume that the 2 channel would have better quality pre's. That is the only reason I am leaning toward a 2 channel interface..

Groff wrote:

I want 96kHz, but don't plan to use 192kHz.

If you have good A/D/A converters, mix ITB, and audio CD as last destination, 24/44.1 would be enough.

Actually, DVD-A will be a destination in addition to redbook, so I will need 96kHz at least.

Thanks for your reply!

anonymous Thu, 09/29/2005 - 20:26

By the way groff...

You were referring to the VMP2000 right? Unfortunately at about $2200 with the Lynx that would put me over my budget. And for that price, I could get the Apogee Trak2 which can be had for about $2000. I'm far from an expert on pre's, and don't know the difference in quality between the Trak 2's and the Sebatron's.

Any other suggestions on 2 channel pre's?

anonymous Fri, 09/30/2005 - 20:09

Well, I just got a really good deal on a Trident S20 Pre today. Not as good as the Sebatron, but it will work for me in the meantime.

Now I need to decide on converters. I just can't think of anything that will give me A/D/A better than the Lynx Two for that price.

I noticed on the Lynx website, they mentioned using the Lynx Two B for 5.1 and 7.1 projects. I get how the 5.1 would work with six outputs, but not the 7.1. Can someone enlighten me? The Lynx Two A model sounds pretty good with 4 ins and 4 outs, but I need to be able to monitor 5.1.

Also, can anyone suggest a good midi interface for getting midi into the computer?