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I have to say a white belgian chocolate bar (Sainsburys) with esspresso coffee granules 'in it' was the hit so far of my easter chock fest..

Anyone else?


anonymous Sun, 03/31/2002 - 16:53

4.30 pm last Thursday, 7 & 1/2 hours from Good Friday. One Chocolate Easter Bunny appeared in front of me.
4.35.3600pm -initial quality test complete.Results? This was a good bunny.
4.37.0067pm second quality test completed.
Chocolate Bunny is put in my briefcase
to be enjoyed later.

8.30.0000pm.I present said Chocolate Bunny to Jody.
8.30.3000pm Third impromptu, impossible to deny access, quality appraisal of the Chocolate Bunny by Jody..
8.30.5432pm - 8.42.000pm. To disgusting to log.
8.43.0007pm. I rescue the Chocolate Bunny from Jody.
10.15.000pm. I ask Jody if she'd like to help finish off the last third of the Chocolate Bunny (that was all that was left when I plied it from her teeth).
10.16.0296. Silence.
10.16.0297. I ask Jody if she would like to finish off the Chocolate Bunny with a Cadbury's Hot Chocolate drink. Jody starts to talk to me again. After approximately 1 hour & 14 minutes.
10.30pm. Chocolate Bunny is no more.
10.47pm. In a small, private ceremony, I thank God, the universe, and Nestle's chocolate for their gift.I promise to fulfil whatever obligations I now have. I signify this with the remainder of my Hot Chocolate Drink, in sacred acceptance.

2.55pm. Saturday. Immeadiately following Easter Friday. Another Chocolate Bunny Appears in front of me. Life is good.

12.50pm Easter Monday. I file the following:
Second Chocolate Bunny still here. To be consumed as per Thursday (see above). With Jody under restraint....somehow. :cool: :cool: :w:

anonymous Mon, 04/01/2002 - 10:32

Hi Julian.
Well I don't know what to say. Are we the only people up here that got chocolate this Easter?

I don't know about you, but I treated myself to a couple of spins of "The Chosen One" by Brian Ferry.

Don't these people know that without chocolate there's no way you can get a "good sound", whether
working analog, digital, or a hybrid of the two?

I'm sad for the Industry that it has got to this.
Things are much worse than I thought. Looks like it's up to you and me to save the world Julian.

This could be a sign......

It's OK Julian. I'm in Australia, as you know, so it's not as though I'm going to turn up in a reworked, nuclear powered, sleek black Jaquar
saying "C'mon BatJulian, the Commisioner has called"...well not this week anyway. :cool:

And don't get depressed. It could be a "Good Kirk/Bad Kirk" thing as in the original Star Trek series. We already know that I'm Bad, so you must be the Good Guy!!!!! :cool: