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I was looking for a really good vocal Mic (I'd probably use it for classical and steel string guitar also). The one I was looking at was the Neumann M147 cause it's $1,600.00 (at ) and I've heard a lot of good stuff about Neumann from my friends (mostly guitar players, so what do they really know, but I kinda trust their opinions none the less). Plus it's a tube mic, which I heard makes a big difference but I'm not set on it.

The other Mic I was looking at before I decided that I probably needed to shell out more money for my main mic was the Blue Blueberry or Mouse and possibly the kiwi, but at $2,000 it's really going to give my credit cards hell. Any suggestions for some other killer mic's?

I don't have my Mic pre's yet, and they're not even picked out either, so I'm basically open to get any Mic, then I'll just base what pre's I get after the mic. Any input is definitely welcome here, cause I'm way new to this vocal/semi-high-end mic business. Obviously I wish I had the money to dump into the Soundelux 251 that everyone seems to rave about, but 2k is really my limit on this, and that's stretching it.
Thank you so much.


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anonymous Thu, 03/21/2002 - 11:03

I've been using the hell out of that mic, mostly for male rock vocal applications, with good result. I have really good pre/comp/EQ choices though, so YMMV. I've been really happy with it and clients recognise the Neumann name and the "tube" mystique, without the price tag of a vintage tube mic.
I'm sure other opinions will vary. :tu:

anonymous Thu, 03/21/2002 - 11:50

Try out a Rode Classic II. It electrically identical to a C12 inside but the Mic Capsule is very Neumann M149 & M147 style and so is the U47 look alike case. It comes with a control Box with 9 patterns and 6db & 12dB HPF. This is real high voltage tube Mic made to last.

The first time I heard this mic was in a mic test out at Mr Jones Studio over here. It was up against a M147 & M149 & fully reconded M49. It won in the blindfold test. The Classic II has the round warm sound of a U47,M147 but when pushing the pattern more towards figure eight gives a slight mid boast very like a Pultec Eqp-1a can do. I like this on vocal as I can run a vocalist further off the mic but get that upclose sound without all the upclose sib & pop and it is fully variable at the controller where you are mixing. This mic is fairly quiet on the noise front. But Neumann is always the winner when it comes to noise floor and very quiet recordings!

The Classic sells in Australia for $1750. So it should be around a $1000 US.


coldsnow Thu, 03/21/2002 - 12:59

Lawson L47MP. It is a take off on the U 47 with the 3 micron capsule that most 47's have been changed to. Has continuously variable polar patter. Great mic Jenson Transformers etc. You can only buy them through Lawson microphones (the people who hand build them) so you don't hear a lot of hype about them (dealers don't hype what they can't sell). It cuts out the middle man so the price is lower than other similar quality mics.

teddancin Thu, 03/21/2002 - 18:11

Thanks for all the good info on the microphones.
I still have to check on the Rode Classic II.

I DID however, check into the Lawson L47mp. That color is god-awful though. But I guess you can't see the color of a mic when listening to a CD.... unless it's a REALLY good mic. hehe. Is it really as good as you guys are saying it is? Does it come with a shock mount? On the sight it says "swivel mount", in this case is the "swivel mount" the same thing, or is it just an ordinary (non-shock) swivel mount?

How does this mic compare to the AKG TLII?

What are your thoughts on the Blue Mics. Do they suck? Just middle of the road? Good? Please let me know.

Thanks once again for all your help.


Guest Thu, 03/21/2002 - 19:39

Lawson L47MP absolutely blows away an AKG 414TLII or the M147.

You might want to check out the Soundelux line - U99 and U95 if you want to spend Lawson type bucks. U95s is cheaper. For REALLY cheap maybe the BLUE baby bottle or Shure KSM27. But if quality of sound is your goal I'd spend the $2000 and go with the Lawson or one of the Soundelux's.

teddancin Thu, 03/21/2002 - 23:52

Ok, so now you've all got me leaning heavily towards the L47MP. I might be broke, but I'll be the best sounding bum ever.

Ok, checked out the Soundelux stuff. Couldn't find a price on the U95, but it looked to me like the U99 was about $2,300. How does the U99 compare to the Lawson L47MP?

Also, at , I read a review on the L47MP, and this guy from Electronic Musician said
"Perhaps the coolest results we got were on electric guitar tracks."

My question is: Won't micing a guitar cab with this type of mic result in breaking the mic? Especially if you're cranking the cab or something. My friends always warning me about just YELLING into expensive microphones let alone micing ROCK guitar cabs with them, I just thought that you DIDN'T do that with this type of mic. Pleas let me know. Sorry if the questions seem very naive, but like I said, I'm new to the semi high-end mic stuff.


Sir Bob Fri, 03/22/2002 - 05:27

I am considering both the Lawson L47MP and Soundelux U99 which both run around $2,000.

The Lawson is an attempt to copy a Neumann U47 a highly regarded mic for male vocals. I kinda hope however that it would do justice to female vocals because I don't think I can affort to pop for another high end mic.

The Soundelux U99 copies the Neumann U67 which I am told has been successfully used for both male and female singers. Any comments?

Can I expect to spend $2,000 for a mic that covers both singers? Or should I start thinking about having something like a Baby Bottle as backup for the ladies? :confused:

teddancin Fri, 03/22/2002 - 12:19


It looks like (not just for me) we've narrowed it down to 2 different Mic's. 1.Lawson L47MP 2.Soundelux U99.

I also wanted to see if the Brauner VALVET Tube Microphone was in the running with these other ones. It's a little more expensive (about $2,450), but if you're gonna drop 2+grand into a mic, you wanna make sure it's the "right" one.

Is the Soundelux U95S in the same (around 2grand) price range as the other 3?

-Bear's Gone Fission
You think the mic would be fine in front of a Marshall 100 watt half stack cranked to 10? Just curious.

Thanks again for being so helpful, is great!


anonymous Fri, 03/22/2002 - 13:33

Just thought I would post some results from a mic shootout the other night. All the mics listed were there. Two standouts in the crowd, were the BLUE KIWI, and
the new Dragonfly Deluxe. Guys could not stop talking about these two mics. A very, shall we say, industry type crowd was present. The Blue mics are starting to gain some steam, and people are starting to realize that the build quality and craftsmanship are second to none. Nobody makes a mics like these guys in the modern day. I could not believe the detail that goes into each one of these mics, and I will say that the key to it, is the capsule. They do it as good, if not better, than anyone in this industry. The mic that just kills the rest, everytime, is their BOTTLE. All I can say is that if you have not heard one of these mics , and you own a commercial studio, you need to check it out .Anyway, I had to throw this in because I was so blown away by these two mics at this shootout.
I also like the Lawson as well; great mic.

Guest Fri, 03/22/2002 - 15:07

I have used the Lawson very successfully on both male and female vocals. I would guess that the Soundelux U95 is closer to the Lawson in sound than the U99, which is supposed to model the Neumann U67.

I think it is a misconception that you will damage the mic with loud sound input (screaming vocal, loud kick, etc.), although perhaps some tech people might correct me if I am wrong. An overly loud sound may cause momentary distortion, but permanent damage is usually more the product of a wild drummer smacking it with a stick, knocking the mic stand over, etc.

I have used the L47 on guitar and bass cabinets with no problem. I haven't tried it on a kick, but I wouldn't be afraid to for SPL reasons.

anonymous Fri, 03/22/2002 - 19:41

I love my Lawson 47. Keep in mind, however that it is a very "colored" mic. The sonic color, to me, happens to be very useful, but it is much like a U47 tube, with several things that all but the best 47's are missing; some nice air on top, and a full, but tighter (not flabby) bottom. As with a 47, mids are sweet and amazinly focused. As well, Gene and Gail are great people to deal with. Among other things, it is excellent for most female vocals - gives them a bit of body (no comments, please) and a very nice presence against the track.

anonymous Fri, 03/22/2002 - 19:49

Originally posted by teddancin:
How does the U99 compare to the Lawson L47MP?

Won't micing a guitar cab with this type of mic result in breaking the mic?

To overgeneralize, the U99 is a brighter sounding mic, but a one trick pony. The L47 has a continuously variable polar pattern and as you change the pattern, the mic frequency response changes slightly. So you can tailor it to some extent for the source.

Loud sound sources will not damage the L47. It's great in front of a screaming guitar cabinet or a kick drum. That's the least of your worries.

As for the gold color, it never bothered me in the least. However, EVERY client has ooohed and aaahed over it. I'd bet the WOW factor will be highest with this mic (if that matters to you).

teddancin Sat, 03/23/2002 - 01:58


-Bear's Gone Fission
The Marshall is a JCM2000 TSL going through the standard 4x12 cab (I think it's the 1960, it's not right next to me at this time). As for your advice about the SPL meter, I'm totally going to pick one up, that's such a good idea, thanks.

Thank you again for the help deciding between the 3 mic's. I think that I've decided to go with the Soundelux U99, cause:
1. I can buy it at my local music store, and they
have a 30 day return policy and they're pretty
cool to me, so loyalty factor.
2. This is going to be my only really good mic,
and it seems like if you only have one mic,
this should be it.
3. I'm still pretty new to the pro recording
stuff, so for my first high end mic, it would
be nice if it was a little easier to use than
say the lawson, cause the lawson has that
inbetween pattern control thing (which seems
like a really cool feature too), but it might
be nicer for me to not have to deal with that
when I have to really get aquainted with a new
mic and how it sounds with the pre's, and
mixing it properly, and where to place the mic
and so on. Plus I'll probably end up buying
the lawson next anyway.

Please let me know if I'm wrong about anything, and thanks for all the help.


Guest Sat, 03/23/2002 - 02:20

I've always been impressed with how happy folks have been with the various non branded (ie not Neumann or AKG etc) mic's available in the US..

I dont know ANY of em..! Their market penetration in Europe is negligable so far I guess..

So all I can add to the mix is this. -There were some cheap deals on the AKG 'Solid Tube" mic a while ago and two home recordist / pro chums of mine are thrilled with theirs.. they cost about $800 including 17% tax.


MMazurek Sat, 03/23/2002 - 05:02

I love my Lawson, and will probobaly end up with a Soundelux U99 in the future.

I picked up the Lawson first because I believe it to be more flexible. (in omni, jammed up near an a room mic through a Distressor nuked!!! a single overhead...VOX!!!)

I like it A LOT.

I will get the U99 for it's 'different' nature.

(also have an AKG Solid Tube, and a Blue Blueberry, and some 414's, and..........)

.........microphones.......yes........I must........have more............

Guest Sat, 03/23/2002 - 10:58

Originally posted by teddancin:

I think that I've decided to go with the Soundelux U99, cause:
1. I can buy it at my local music store, and they
have a 30 day return policy and they're pretty
cool to me, so loyalty factor.
2. This is going to be my only really good mic,
and it seems like if you only have one mic,
this should be it.
3. I'm still pretty new to the pro recording
stuff, so for my first high end mic, it would
be nice if it was a little easier to use than
say the lawson, cause the lawson has that
inbetween pattern control thing (which seems
like a really cool feature too), but it might
be nicer for me to not have to deal with that
when I have to really get aquainted with a new
mic and how it sounds with the pre's, and
mixing it properly, and where to place the mic
and so on. Plus I'll probably end up buying
the lawson next anyway.

Please let me know if I'm wrong about anything, and thanks for all the help.



I think you will probably be thrilled with whichever you choose (between the U99 and L47) but here's what I would do:

Call Gene Lawson. Buy the L47, but discuss with him the fact that you are going to do a comparison with the U99 and will keep only the one you like best. In the past, Gene has been very amenable to allowing you to return the mic and get your money back within a reasonable time if you like something else better. Probably because he knows most of the time folks can't bear to return it after they've heard it.

This way you've got nothing to lose. Especially if the local store will lend you a U99 for a couple of days, or at least let you buy it and return it under their 30 day policy.

Regarding your fears of the pattern switch - if you're that worried, just leave it in cardiod and forget about it. Someday (...come closer while I whisper - I don't want to alarm anybody!) when you get the courage, (maybe after a few stiff drinks) you can try omni, or figure eight, or (God forbid!) something IN BETWEEN! :D

teddancin Sun, 03/24/2002 - 01:23

HAHA, that's awesome littledog. I thouroughly enjoyed your post. I also wan to thank you for the great advice, that's totally what I'm going to do (call Gene Lawson and see if he'll let me a/b test it with the Soundelux).

As for the whole pattern thing with the Lawson. It's not like that was a determining factor for not buying it. It was just something extra that I wouldn't have to deal with (not like it really matters, and I'm sure it would only be extra beneficial once I became comfortable with the mic). It's just that I'm getting a new Mixer in a couple of days, and a whole new digital audio interface, and a brand new mic preamp. Being that all those things are very new to me, and I don't know how they're all supposed to sound together and all, it just might be (a very little) nicer if I could only switch the mike to 3 different pattern options as opposed to like 30 to get a sound that's good, that's all. Your comment on that was so good though. hehe.

Thanks again for suggesting about talking to Gene. Do you really think he'll go for it? That'd be so cool.

Sir Bob Mon, 03/25/2002 - 05:43

A ways back there was a comment that the U 47/L 47 tube mics are "colored" and lack some air.

I associate the U 47 sound with the Beatles, maybe Paul singing Michelle or something. A vintage sound for sure.

Are there tracks that you could reference to the U 67/ U99 sound. Nathan Eldred told me that the U 67 was used by Robert Plant :cool: and Barbara Steisand :eek: . Any others?

I forgot what Tom Petty always uses. Maybe a U 87? He sure gets close to it whatever it is.

And definately let's put the Brauner in the running. How much is the model with the Klaus Haney mod?

anonymous Wed, 03/27/2002 - 05:40

I'll just chime in as another happy L47 user(nickel finish). I'm most happy when the mixing stage rolls around and the vocals sound doesn't need to be touched!...That's when I really appreciate the mic.

It usually finds itself in front of a kick drum during tracking and also the bass cab when applicable.