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I am putting together a first PC-Based recording system and I have all the components but the Audio card/controller.

I was originally considering the Digi002 (non rack) but it has been several months since I purchased the components, and have now begun to hear that it is very overpriced--that one can get the same bang for much less Buck, so I thought I would ask you all now.

I am relatively new at this, and while price is not necessarily a very serious object, I would like to get something that will allow me as much flexibility, quality and ease of use as possible for the money.

Some have suggested the RME Nightfall (?) in the past but as I am new and it's been a little while, I don't know if this is still the best choice.

Any suggestions? Here is my system:

Asus P4P800
Intel P4 3.0G 800FSB (Northwood C not 533FSB Northwood B)
512Mb PC3200 DDR400
Lite-On burner- I'd go for a Pioneer 107D DVD-RW though! 30
WD 800JB 7,200rpm System
WD 360GD 10,000rpm SATA Audio


Dr. L.


anonymous Tue, 12/28/2004 - 04:25

I don't think you're going to get much better bang for buck than the 002R considering what you get is a software and hardware solution. The only way you'll do better than this is if you plan on using cracked software.... which of course you're not.

Anyways have a look at products by.....

MOTU (everything)
RME (everything)
MAudio (PCI + firewire products)
E-MU (1820M)

Good Luck :D