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Lexicon Lxp-1

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Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 07/07/2005 - 04:57

I have decided to finally buy a secondhand reverb unit so that I can compare it to plugin verbs. I am just about to buy an Lxp-1 on reviews I have read + it's cheap.
Anybody know when it came out, when production finished, how much it cost and how it measures up to other Lexicon units?




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It is great. Probably the best sub 1000$ reverb. I use it every day, a lot more than plugin reverbs.

Lxp1 has a very warm sound and it goes really well in the mix. It is great for drums and electric/electronic instruments but if you need reverb for vocal and acoustic stuff I suggest PCM70.

Later lexicons are not that good (i had mpx1 and mpx100).

Fri, 07/08/2005 - 01:52 Permalink