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And what are your experiences?

The brand new world of software-samplers and synths - is it working for you?

Did it change the way you work?



anonymous Mon, 08/06/2001 - 07:00

Hi Niko,

I have (and use - sometimes):
- EXS 24
- B4
- Pro-52
- Absynth
+ some more ...
Timing and sound: excellent !!!
(I have a customer who sold all his 19" expanders/samplers and uses only the EXS for classic stuff/arrangements)
But I still have/use all my 19" gadgets.
My major problem: Too many sounds - that's no joke. In the good ol' days you had o n e decent piano, o n e convincing brass sound, o n e string sound - now it takes h o u r s to find the "right" one.
Apart from that: depending on the computer I use, there might be problems with the dsp power - recorded audio tracks p l u s plug-ins p l u s instruments ...
But nevertheless - i love my "softies"!

Kind regards
Walter :)

anonymous Mon, 08/13/2001 - 17:02

I'll join the bandwagon :)

hello to you both. I use logic and i do use the EVP88 but I am yet to get a midi keyboard, so the stuff I do with the softsynth is very below par. I just cant seem to get any "feel" when im not actually on a piano... plus, i'm a guitarist, bassist and drummer - not a pianist :)

I use logic for recording live instruments and vocals, however i tend to use drum loops and samples more then live drums these days. I also have the EXS24 sampler but am yet to use it. At the moment all my samples are just placed straight onto the arrange page without bothering with midi... it all seems to work well even tho countless people urge me to actually use the sampler that i bought... eh, watcha gonna do - I fear change :)

Anyways, just thought I'd add myself to this fine forum of 2 and drop you guys a line.

ps: do you use the logic forum at
its the best forum on logic i've come across.. not to burst the bubble of this forum, but just to let you know that there are 000's of logic users on forums.. just a shame we cant all be centralised on one.