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Hello-I was hoping some of you experts could help out a beginning beginner with this dilemma. I am looking to upgrade my drum overheads-right now I have C1000s, and even to my somewhat untrained ear they sound kind of harsh even though I have tried placing them in different spots. I have an at4033, and I like the sounds I have gotten from it better. However, I am not able to try out the other cheap mics used for overheads (mc012, sm81, ecm8000, etc.) so I don't know firsthand if they would sound better than the 4033 as overheads. For a stereo pair, do you think I should buy another at4033 (roughly $240 or less on ebay) or a different pair of overheads for roughly the same value? Should the fact that the 4033 is a large diaphragm condenser affect my decision one way or another?
Any comments are greatly appreciated.

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anonymous Thu, 01/10/2002 - 09:56

Thanks for replying. I currently have the at4033, 2 c1000s, 4 sm57s, and a couple really cheap dynamics. My room actually isn't that good-it has a very low ceiling(I think it may be only seven and 1/2 feet or slightly higher?), which makes me wonder if the ecm8000's omni pattern might not be desirable. What do you think? It seems like everyone just comments on how cheap the ecm8000 is, but as far as sound quality-do they just plain not sound as good as mxl-603s, or is this another case of "depends on what kind of sound you want"?
Thanks again for your comments.

anonymous Fri, 01/11/2002 - 04:57

For what it is worth, I have a pair of AT 4050's that I have used for overheads with good results. However, I tend to like them as a stereo pair and then add a kick drum mic in the mix. It is a more open sound that works for some of the projects that I do. Your room has an impact on this, that is for sure. You might want to rent or borrow a second 4033 to try out in your situation. It might work well for you. Your ears should tell if it does.

anonymous Fri, 01/11/2002 - 09:07

Thank you both again for replying. Jason-I couldn't help but notice your address-I am currently attending Luther College, but I go home on weekends to record in my home studio in Lewiston. (My former band actually played the Acoustic Cafe and a couple other small gigs in Winona) Since you live in Winona, I was wondering where you would go to rent a microphone like an at4033. I guess I don't really know much as far as what music stores are in La Crosse and Rochester.
Are you playing any gigs around the area any time soon?

GZsound Mon, 02/11/2002 - 22:06

I have low ceilings in my studio and I only use one overhead, usually a small CAD condenser. Do you all recommend using a stereo pair, and if so, what is the placement. Keep in mind I only have about four feet over the cymbals to work with. I have tried a large condenser as an overhead and like the small condensers better.

anonymous Tue, 02/12/2002 - 06:54

Damn those low ceilings, I got'em too.

After checking my room and gear, Eddie Ciletti suggested that I use a stereo pair of AKG 452s w. omni capsules and 10 db pads (as overheads) in addition to constructing a 4x8 foot foam ceiling reflection minimizer that I put directly over the drums as high as possible, supported by my big old Keith Monks boom stands.

A big improvement in sound and imaging that has earned many compliments.

anonymous Mon, 02/18/2002 - 00:36

I used C1000's for drum overheads, and the results are ok, but I have to EQ the 'harshness' out of it. I recently bought a Rode NT1000, mainly for vocals. Did anyone use them as drum overheads in here? If so, I'm thinking about buying a second one. Then I'll use the C1000's to mic the hihat and the ride.

anonymous Mon, 02/18/2002 - 08:17

One thing I really like about the MC-012 mikes (cardiod caps) for overheads is their warmer character, especially when compared to the C-1000. Even the 4033 seems to emphasize the upper mids and highs. With the Oktavas, you can more easily get away with no tom mikes and the cymbals are very smooth sounding, IMO.

Markd102 Mon, 02/18/2002 - 16:31

I'm waiting to have a look at the new Rode NT5 which comes out in April and will only be sold in matched pairs. RRP in Australia will be $895 for the pair, so probobly about $400 in the States.

The NT4 would be groovy too and take all the hassle out of XY placement.


[[url=http://[/URL]="…"]NT4 & 5 Info[/]="…"]NT4 & 5 Info[/]