Here's my studio problem, I can hear a commercial radio signal on my Genelec 8040 while I recording vocal! sometimes it can bee heard on My amps with a lot of Gain..is it Ground loop problems or what? please Help
It's something picking up RF. It could be a cable or device or
It's something picking up RF. It could be a cable or device or a combination of things or it could be happening because the way the different devices are connected and/or the different types of cables used. Basically, there's lots of things that could contribute to this sort of problem so you'll need to do some troubleshooting.
A ground loop problem would likely cause a completely different type of annoyance.
Do you live close to the broadcast tower? If so, that may be it right there. The signal is strong and your electronics are not shielded enough to block it.
Here is what I recommend you do to troubleshoot the problem. Set up the simplest chain of devices that you can to recreate the problem. You said that you can hear it in an amp. That would likely be the simplest to test with because it would be just a guitar plugged into an amp.
So, hook that up and crank the gain until you hear the radio. Unshielded or poorly shielded cables can pick up RF signals. Unplug the guitar leaving the cable plugged into the amp. Still hear the radio? If so the problem could be that the cable is picking up the RF signal. Unplug the cable from the amp. Still hear the radio? If not, run the same test using different cables. Use different lengths if you have them. Shorter ones may have better results. You may want to buy a good shielded cable to test with.
If you didn't hear the radio after unplugging the guitar, plug the guitar in using a different cable. It may be that the guitar is picking up the RF signal.
You can do the same sort of test with your 8040s.
You did mention that it happens when you record vocals. Is it only when you record vocals? Do you use a specific mic or cable when recording vocals? How long is the mic cable? If you unplug the mic, do you still hear the radio? If you have devices hooked up between the mic and monitors, eliminate they as possbilities by bypassing as many of them as you can.
Good luck.
Thanks 4 replying :) pr0gr4m wrote: Do you live close to the
Thanks 4 replying :)
pr0gr4m wrote:
Do you live close to the broadcast tower? If so, that may be it right there. The signal is strong and your electronics are not shielded enough to block it.
There are at least 5 stations around my studio, about 2-3km away each. Only 1 radio signal leaked to my 8040 and It came from more far Radio station :(
pr0gr4m wrote:
You did mention that it happens when you record vocals. Is it only when you record vocals? Do you use a specific mic or cable when recording vocals? How long is the mic cable?
I use U87 for Vocal (the broadcast signal is more Louder then C42 Jossepson), 10m Mogami cable
pr0gr4m wrote:
If you unplug the mic, do you still hear the radio?
pr0gr4m wrote:
If you have devices hooked up between the mic and monitors, eliminate they as possbilities by bypassing as many of them as you can.
Patch bay?? Should I bypass it?
Need more help :cry:
So...it sounds like you recognize the station. Is there another
So...it sounds like you recognize the station. Is there another radio tuning device located in another part of the dwelling(or a near by dwelling) that is on and could be creating this unwanted sound? When you use headphones can you still hear it?