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hey whats up guys

Me and my brother have been working in my makeshift studio for about a year!

we are moving into bigger place now and can dedicate a whole room into a studio?

I'm selling all my old equipment and starting fresh!

i produce(make beats handle the recording mixing etc.)

he just spits really (damn good) anyway.

ive been looking into the mbox people say hell yeah its good some people tell me its crap. IT CANT BE BOTH

so i need some honesty.

also if you guys could help me out with some other equipment that will help me make beats (sound better) and maybe some type of direction on studio setup for my average sized room that would be awsome

p.s. How is the blue babybottle or bluebird mic (I'm leaning toward one of those)

is the roland phantom x series worth the money?


anonymous Wed, 03/30/2005 - 21:00

my opinion.(I am a hip hop producer aswell)

M-box will not make your shyt sound better,Im not a fan of Protools but if I were to set sumthing up It would be a Digi 002 set up.Im not sure what your using now but if it ain't broke don't fix it.the software really shouldn't have an impact on the sound quality fo your productions hardware ie interface/D/A A/D converters/monitors etc will be the area in which needs the extra attention.(and the protools LE systems are fairly poor).

I wouldn't suggest a Blue mic I know there good mics there just not suitable for "spitting",rapping, there more of a musical mic catered to singers.Check out the KSM line up from SHURE,the Rode line up (pretty much anything with a NT in the model # is safe,also check out AKG not sure on what models 2 reccomend but I here alot of great stuff about them.

As for the Fantom X....Iv'e been drooling for months I want one soooo bad but I have more important things to purchase Im not in the position to be buying "goodies" like the Fantom.But hells yeah if you got the $$$ got for it just make sure to get the X6,7 or 8 and not the S or XA cause there lacking alot of the areas in what make the Fantom X so desirable...

anonymous Thu, 03/31/2005 - 08:39

I have a "project" studio running the 002r w/ a presonus eureka (best pre under $1000 IMHO and comparable to pre's worth 3 times as much as it costs) and i have a rode k2 and a blue baby bottle. I have done work for some major artists that are with def jam with no complaints.

I hav e both PT LE and Nuendo. (i prefer and recommend nuendo and cubase)
Pro tools LE is limited to the amount of tracks (32) and Nuendo actually works better with the digi hardware than PT does (HAH!) and has unlimited amount of tracks.

I know i could have a better set up but for the money i've been getting by for now.

remember, you can have a million dollar studio but if you dont know what you are doing it will sound like shit. and you can have a studio for a few grand and make it sound great if you know what you are doing.


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