9 July 2005
I want to buy something to make a better sound.
I'm deciding to upgrade pre-mic ( Avalon or anything better than my pre-mic) or buy a converter ( Apogeerosetta 200).
my gear is
- g4 dual 1.0
- logic pro 7
- Tascam fw-1884
- mindprint pre-mic envoice
- CAD condenser mic E-200
please, help me. thank you.
thanks Mark. and I forget to tell that i have PC setup too. - P
thanks Mark. and I forget to tell that i have PC setup too.
- P4 3.2E
- motu 2408 mkIII
I always use any softsynth (like a Giga studio , BFD , DFH ,etc )from this setup and input all in my tascam fw-1884.
I'm not sure that converter will help this, or not?
So , I should change my pre-mic to be better for rec vox, that's
better choice?
Forget the converters for now. The mic, preamp and room acoustic
Forget the converters for now. The mic, preamp and room acoustics will all have a greater impact or your sound than converters.
I have an Envoice, and while it's usable, it's not a patch on my Buzz Audio or Sebatron.
The other problem you may have for some applications is your microphone. The E200 is not a large diaphram mic. I think it's something like 3/4".