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I apologize for the annoying subject line and this long post, but I could use some help.

Okay, so I'm going to record my band. Here's what I have to do it with:

The instruments:

4 piece drum set with hi-hats, crash, larger crash and ride.
Guitar Amp/Cab (a B-52, it's cheap but better than most cheapos.)
Bass with Sansamp Bass Driver Direct Input (love this thing!)
One screaming vocalist and possibly some backups.


An OLD Yamaha Stereo Powered Mixer with 6 mic inputs and a few other inputs (don't have it on me right now to check.) It has reverb, bass/treble EQ on the 6 channels and a (9-band?) graphic equalizer for the final Left/Right.

Audix Fusion 6 piece Drum Mic Pack (3 dynamic snare/tom mics, one larger diaphram kick drum mic, and two condenser mics.)

Behringer B1 Large Diaphragm Condenser Mic.

A Shure - maybe, vocal mic (I'm not SURE, heh, but I think it's just some cheap one.)

Stands and cables, a couple more to be bought as needed. We're also getting a Behringer Eurorack UB802, 4 channel, two mic preamp, mixer for about $50 for use as phantom power, and a simple mixer when needed.

I'll be going into Cubase SX with a Soundblaster Live! card, so that means 2 channels at a time maximum, just stereo line-in. I atleast can get really low latency.


I know this set-up is probably a nightmare, but I'm using what I have, so here's my plan:

Micing all the drums how one would normally with 6 drum mics (clips on the drums, stand for the bass drum and overheads.) However, this is crucial because I will have to record the ENTIRE set in one stereo track. I'll have to use the Eurorack mini-mixer to power the two overheads and then take them as two channels into the Yamaha. Here's where I really could use some tips aside from the obvious "get a mixer and a sound card, buddy."

With the drums in a somewhat satisfactory recording, I'll go and play my bass with the DI. This will be mono and will sound great, no problem.

Guitar Micing is the next issue. Which mic/mics would you think could get the best recording (this is metallish hardcore so it needs low end.) I was thinking of using the little mixer to power a condenser mic pointed at the speaker (not the cone, I know :) about a foot away, and then mix that with the dynamic kick drum mic up close for extra low range. If this sounds okay, please tell me.

Guitar will probably be double-tracked with some possible overdubs and put hard left/right, you know the routine.

Vocals will probably be recorded with the Behringer B1, and that shouldn't be much of a problem, except:

This will be an issue with everything, aside from bass, and it's because I'm not recording in a studio. The practice room hasn't horrible acoustics, but I am expecting some reverb from it. First of all, is this going to be inherently evil, and is there any way to lessen the unwanted echo?

Thoughts on what I have, what I plan to do, and input on possible alternatives, with said equipment mind you, would be MUCH appreciated.


AudioGaff Fri, 08/27/2004 - 08:57

Welcome to R.O.

I apologize for the annoying subject line and this long post, but I could use some help.

Well, this isn't the right or best way that your gonna get much help. What you are asking for is more like professional consultation than it is for a little general help. Forums, including this one are more of a self help and place of providing guideance then they are for detailed consultation.

There is a search engine here and a wealth of info, comments and data in the archives. It would serve you well to use it. You will also likely get more attention and responses if you ask one specific question with a specific topic.

KurtFoster Fri, 08/27/2004 - 11:19

It sounds as if you have a plan ... It can work if you get the drum mix right. You may need to make a few stabs at it before you get the balances correct. It's very hard to tell what it's going to sound like until you get everything recorded. When recording in this fashon, expierence really helps. Good luck.

anonymous Fri, 08/27/2004 - 12:32

AudioGaff wrote:
Well, this isn't the right or best way that your gonna get much help. What you are asking for is more like professional consultation than it is for a little general help. Forums, including this one are more of a self help and place of providing guideance then they are for detailed consultation.

Despite the fact that it was a pretty detailed post, I'm not looking for detailed consultation in the least. Providing guidance and a little help concerning whether the plan makes sense, what to look out for, and what mic people think might work best.

Mainly I just want to make sure I'm not missing something dastardly important.

anonymous Fri, 08/27/2004 - 21:41

I just had a wild idea... now tell me if this makes any sense:

My band has a Yamaha EMX620 MONO Powered Mixer, that I basically dismissed as useful for recording because it is mono. However, it has two independent monitor and main outs. Both are the exact same output level and everything. Couldn't I efficiently use Monitor/Main as two seperate channels, I.E. Stereo Left/Right? Seems like it should work just fine, but I can't use the 7 band EQ on the monitor channel. :(

I'll probably use this to power my overheads, and run one through the monitor and one through main. It has 15 V Phantom power and the mics use 9-52 V according to the sheet. 15 should work fine right?

anonymous Sat, 08/28/2004 - 14:17

you're ganna be better off getting your set down tight, going to an existing producer's studio and getting it done right there,,, where you will also witness the tricks of the trade as they take place.

as time goes on, i'm sure you'll collect more and more gear, and more and more knowledge,,, till recording your own "professionally" becomes physically possible, i'd just make do with what you got however you see fit. trial and error will teach you a lot.

i'm recording my band too, with a good deal more equipment than you've listed, and it's still not a walk in the park, but it get's easier with the experience and equipment.