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Ok guys...I'm having a breakdown. I have a band coming in with more drums than I have mics. Here is my mic list...don't laugh:

1- D112
1- Beta 52a
1- Blue 8 ball
1- Oktava MK-319
2- Oktava MC012
4- Shure SM57

Here is what I was going to do. .let me know if you think it will be sufficient:

Kick- D112
Snare - 57 on top and 8 Ball underneath
Rack toms- 57's
Floor tom- Beta 52a
OH's- 2 MC012's

My main concern is placing a Beta 52a on a floor tom and putting a Blue 8 Ball under a snare. Will I ruin the 8 Ball and be left with a muddy floor tom?
