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I'm currently on a dilemma.

I'm tired of my digi001/Mackie 1604 vlz combo. Over the years I've been buying nice microphones and outboard gear, like C414's, PreSonus eureka, etc.. and I've also been upgrading my studio in terms of acoustic conditions. The main system is just not doing it for me anymore..

I was thinking about getting an RME multiface (that I can get for a very good deal) with Cubase sx 3, that I really like. But I don't like mixing inside the computer.. (I like to feel the hi-hats on the right when I pan them, and I don't get that inside the computer).

So, I need a mixer with inserts to incorporate the outboard and nice digital to analog conversion..
Is it a better option to invest on conversion (like apogees) and get a mixer like a second hand d8b, or should I just come right out the RME into a proper mixer like a TL Audio M4, with nice warm analog feel?

I work mainly on hip hop , jazz, afrobeats, funk and electronic stuff.

Hope I can get nice sugestions..


anonymous Sat, 10/08/2005 - 23:55

yeah, you could go with a digital board. the makie hui ;s are nice, and of course the yamahas, or1 or 2...or the yamaha ox1, is smaller but quite nice....

another, cheaper solution, would be to buy a couple of the behringers BFC2000. with full automation, pan pots, and other freatures, it really works well.

there you more mixing, with a mouse.......bye bye mousey
