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hello all

i'm currently recording on a mac dual core 1.1ghz 512 ram..i know i know thats my first problem.

but my problem is that when i record more than 2 mics or 1 really for along period of time i get this skip in the audio which makes it difficult to overdub when its playing recorded material back and recording new material at the same time. i tired this at 88.2khz and figured it was too much to ask when is skipped like mad. then i sampled down to 44.1khz and it skipps much less but still interupts the players. it doesnt come out on the recording itself but very annoying and frustrating. now i managed tracking bass, and guitar but when i record drums i have a real bad skipping problem seeing that i'm recording 9 mics or 10 mics at the same time while playing audio back. by the way i use Cubase studio 4.

my question is i am going to try out my friends mac which is 2.16 dual core and 1GB of ram but i want to buy my own. i still nees somthing portable. i was thinking of buying a Macbook pro with mabe 2.4 or 2.6 dual core and 2 GB of ram but i don't want the same cpu overlaoad skipping of doom problem. should i just save up and invest in a MAC PRO desktop that is quadcore? if i don't have to spend that much right now i would rather not whcih is y i'm looking into the macbook pro BUT if that still dosen't fix my problem i would rather wait and buy a deskopt quadcore mac pro.

any suggestions? any suggestions about what i could do now to stop the skipping?

thanks in advance



Mice256 Wed, 01/09/2008 - 15:56

thanks a lot for the replies

i tried moving the latency from 256 to 2,00 soumthing and it helped but did not resolve the issue enought to finish the overdubbing. i am recording to a western digital 7200rpm drive with 320GB via usb. i have a mackie mixer 1640 with firewire interface. i will check on the latest drivers to see if that helps.

appreciate the responses


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