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going to get a new audio convention off the ground, and i want you guys to tell us what you want

http://www.surveymo…"]Click Here to take survey[/]="http://www.surveymo…"]Click Here to take survey[/]


josh ;)


anonymous Tue, 05/27/2008 - 17:01

hueseph wrote: I don't live in Australia. You should've made this clear at the onset. Where you ask for what I think a reasonable price is, you limit the answer to three digits. Why? I need to explain my suggestion. $200 for a one day pass is too much in my head but $300 for a three day pass would be good.

thanks for pointing this out, i will change this in the survey


audiokid Tue, 05/27/2008 - 17:09

josh_10 wrote: ok its not posting the link properly

so just copy and paste this into a browser window

cheers and thanks... will be much appreciated


as codemonkey says, his suggestion is the best way to link, or... post the url the way it is, avoid the html , and the board will do link like so

Kev Tue, 05/27/2008 - 20:46

I like the way audiokid did the link
except when the link gets stupid long

you get to see where the page might be living

this can help tell you IF you want to go there
and who might be running the site
... vested interests and all that stuff

not suggesting the surveymonkey is anything more than ... say a PHP-Nuke for forum software
but here it is for building an online survey

I'll shut up now

Kev Wed, 05/28/2008 - 01:16

I tend to buy gear from people I know
... and go to their factory to see it being built

the software I already have/chosen ... might be different if I needed to change

the change from AVID to FCP happened as a result of both price and pressure from customers

I like venues where I can park the car

can't give a dollar figure as I can't justify the entry price anyway
the only conventions I go to are the ones where someone else paid for me

Pro equipment and Home Studio equipment is the same thing to me
it's just a reflection of budget and I'm more likely to use cheap gear on the professional jobs as i need to make a profit
the jobs for the love of it get the best gear

you can't hear gear at conventions anyway

I'd go to a convention to meet people
Roland and Korg can be there but so what
we can get info from the net
If JLM Audio is there ...will Joe himself be there
If Buzz Audio is there ... wil Tim be there

Manley ... Eveanna or Hutch ... that's a long shot for Australia

but you get my drift

Crane Song ... ooo Dave Hill
now I'd go for a chat with Dave

GreatRiver and a chat with Dan and a discount on a single channel EQ

RemyRAD Wed, 05/28/2008 - 18:36

I've been attending the AES conventions in NYC exclusively, for the last 36 years. Nothing will compare to the middle to late 1970s at the Waldorf-Astoria. What do you mean you can't listen to anything? It was quite easy in all those lovely suites, on the upper floors. Not bad at the Hilton either. Especially when they kept the alcohol flowing! It made everything sound so much better as it wasn't even a single malt mix but I'd say well blended overall! The listening tests were more effective since the rooms were relatively quiet. Now that was a convention!

Like others, I'd only go since I always got free passes. I never bothered with the lectures although I did wander into a few (not having paid to attend). I really don't give a crap about the technicalities of audio. Only the sound. So the lectures really don't interest me as it's too much technical blah blah. I have however spoken to a lot of manufacturers. This is one of the reasons why I'm NOT IMPRESSED with Digi design. Especially this past October. I hung out at other booths where I could have more intelligent conversation with knowledgeable people. For such a deep program (ProTools), their experts are unimpressive. At least I find them rather inarticulate.

Not interested in other audio conventions nor ProTools.
Ms. Remy Ann David

anonymous Wed, 05/28/2008 - 23:53

space this is the first one we are doing. we have looked at others like pro light and sound, gearfest and the london guitar show etc but we want to now what you guys want and thats how we will conduct this one if we can get it all to come together


just so you get to it on the second page


anonymous Mon, 06/09/2008 - 01:22

Big sound!!! Help needed, speed bump problem.

Ok has any one heard of Big Sound in Brisbane or better yet has any one been to it. would like to know more about, because it could be a competitor that is very poorly marketed or we could use it via cross promotion to draw more customers from.

cheers marketing team for M.A.T.A. (Music and Audio Trade-show Australia)


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