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Hello guys, I'm new here which you can see clearly by this being my first post. I have a question about monitors.

In your opinion, whats the best pair of monitors for a max price of $1600?

I know people will have different opinions on what the "best" may be but I'd still like to hear what people have to say about different products.

Thanks in advanced guys and I plan to stick around here, really nice forum you got here!


djmukilteo Mon, 12/21/2009 - 22:32

Focal, Genelec, JBL, Event, Mackie, Tannoy should have a pair in that price range
Speakers are so subjective you should take your favorite audio CD that you know well to a dealer and ask to demo each model. And don't decide right away....narrow them down to what you perceive as the better sounding to you then go back and go thru them again....unless you want to just spend $1600 and get what you think somebody else thinks are the greatest ever made!
Everybody has a different feel for what they like and dislike and they are all very close in terms of specs.
I think if you just read what someone else says on a forum as to whats "best" for the most part they are telling you what model sounds the best to their ears.
And so much of that has to do with what type of room they're listening to them in...and what you'll be using them in might be completely different.
That's my two cents worth FWIW


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