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Each go into a stereo track? or mono? Right now i use mono and pan L and R. Just curious.

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anonymous Sun, 08/14/2005 - 20:59

If using a Daw (which I assume) create a (1) Stereo channel , you will obviously need 2 preamp channels. Plug a mic into each of the two preamp channels and voila, Stereo Overheads. When you create the stereo channel the input settings will have to match the 2 channels that you are plugging into.

I don't know what software you are using, but i would use even channels (i.e. 1/2, 3/4,5/6 etc...) as the input channel options tend to default to these types of input pairings. You can also create two mono channels and pan hard left and right for similar results it's just not as efficient. Hope that helps.

anonymous Mon, 08/15/2005 - 03:27

My little plan for success in overheads is as follows.
I just get me two condenser mics on a good left and right and put them each through a mono channel each. I pan them slightly to each side a voila.
If you want to be wierd just pan each channel to the centre and then when you put them on a multitrack make a duplicate track with reversed polarity and pan the regular and reversed track to each side...

anonymous Mon, 08/15/2005 - 07:05

Digger wrote: If using a Daw (which I assume) create a (1) Stereo channel , you will obviously need 2 preamp channels. Plug a mic into each of the two preamp channels and voila, Stereo Overheads. When you create the stereo channel the input settings will have to match the 2 channels that you are plugging into.

I don't know what software you are using, but i would use even channels (i.e. 1/2, 3/4,5/6 etc...) as the input channel options tend to default to these types of input pairings. You can also create two mono channels and pan hard left and right for similar results it's just not as efficient. Hope that helps.

Thats sounds good. I'm using PTLE. It would be more efficient to use one track for both cond. I'll give it a go today.

took-the-red-pill Mon, 08/15/2005 - 10:40

I always input into two mono tracks and pan them L/R like you do.

I find it really simple to work with later if I want to mess with them seperately. I give each of the two tracks a SLIGHTLY different reverb, eq, and compression, which seems to seperate them just a bit more.

(As an aside, I have even tried shifting one track back a few miliseconds, but that can backfire pretty fast.

I once read that if one is going to shift a track back in time to sort of enhance or create the artificial stereo thing, that prime numbers work well-7ms, or 13ms, or 17ms, and that has worked well for me.)

I then run them through a stereo group track for overall level and pan.

Maybe that's against the rules...I can only hope so...but I like it.


anonymous Mon, 08/15/2005 - 17:14

Definitely 2 mono tracks ... much more flexible that way.

Bus them both to a single stereo group/aux track (along with rest of drum mics unless you want to process them separately) and apply any effects to the group/aux track.

Panning from 50L / 50R all the way to hard panned works for me.

Also with dual mono you can pan both to center and listen for any phase problems, adjust mics if necessary, etc.

IMO, stereo tracks are only good for audio which you have already set the panning (like with an aux bus) or do not need to set panning on.