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Recently someone asked where they could find cracked plugins I had pointedly ignored this query, not responded or deleted it, for the following reasons:
1. RO can't support the use of cracks.
2. I don't want people to feel like they can't ask questions.
3. I don't want to lecture people.
4. I felt like a deafening silence would get the message across.
RO can't support the use of cracks because:
1. It's illegal to steal software.
2. Using cracks may throw a monkeywrench into your works, and we don't want to see that happen.
3. Some of the folks who post here work for software companies, and they probably wouldn't appreciate us telling the world to steal their products.
I don't want anyone, particularly the person who posted the query, to feel unwelcome here (or lectured). I did delete the topic, and will automatically delete any other topics asking this, because people may get the wrong idea. I feel that having a clear policy is better than having people guess about the situation.
Cheers, Doc



KurtFoster Wed, 04/09/2003 - 00:17

All fine points Doc. Well done. Let me add that RO is a business entity. We need to do business with software manufactures and OEM's in order to "keep the lights on". If we are seen by them as unfriendly it makes it hard for us to secure reviews and advertising which is the oil that keeps the wheels turning. I think your policy is an excellent step towards insuring our relationships with OEMs and manufactures. Kurt

Alécio Costa Sat, 04/12/2003 - 21:50

And I was the one who answered that guy´s request saying it would not be a good idea to steal someone else´s job.

I have heard that PT HD has already suffered crack action.

I totally disagree with this, but why companies like Waves, TC, BF and so do not lower their prices , give more friendly/longer upgrade paths?

I got angry because I paid for a recent upgrade to 3.2 and they just upgraded the TDM bundles to 3.x ( which seems to have created some problems to PT users) and 3.6, with very little things being changed.
Since I bought before september, I was not allowed to go to 4.0 free upgrade.

I will think twice before buying products of them again.

TC Workds for example, have been very friendly.

I know they have to pay some royalties to Digi or so so as to be negligible to have the codes done. But as you guys know, very rare plugins are providing 192khz .

Some guys complained about PT HD compatibility. To me compatibility means total compatibility.
Well, I do not want to transform this post in a Alsihad issue.

The point is: lower the pices and people will buy much more.