hey when i record the singing it comes out boring and dry and it sounds really bad like just plain out CHEAP. .but when its live it sounds pretty ok. i am using a comptuer from 2001 and no special editions to it . like its the original no special sound cards added to the computer and am using a 30 dollar mic...could that be the cause of making it boring and dry or is it cause am doing osmething else wrong...am recording in a small room just to practice for a show which is gonna be in a large audioritrium like 400 seats or so.
Two things, masking and monitoring, are completely different wit
Two things, masking and monitoring, are completely different with your situations. Maybe take one of your ears out of the headphones and listen to yourself. Just a suggestion :?
As for your equipment....it's not reproducing exactly what it hears???
But you knew that already. $$$$$$$$$$$$
IMO- the problems are: 1)The sound card 2)The $30 mic 3)The room
IMO- the problems are:
1)The sound card
2)The $30 mic
3)The room.
I'm not trying to be a jerk, but once those things are remedied, your vocals will most likely sound better. Reverb or delay is almost always added to vocals during the mixing stage too.