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I am new to the forum and new to recording as well. I hope that what I am proposing is not too crazy.

I am looking to put together a budget system that is composed of a pair of mics (one for each channel), an additional mic for a violin soloist, pre-amp system, and laptop. I plan to do minimal mixing and then output to CD's and mp3's to promote the amateur orchestra. Although I have a discerning ear, I have a very small budget (approx $300 max); therefore,I do not expect a professional quality recording.

From what I gathered from reading through some of the posts is that the best method to accomplish this is to put two omni-directional mics above the conductor's head, but that would probably necessitate purchasing a stand. Any advice on components to purchase and placement of the mics would be appreciated.

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ccho Fri, 11/03/2006 - 12:16

DIGIT wrote: >>I am looking to put together a budget system that is composed of a pair of mics (one for each channel), an additional mic for a violin soloist, pre-amp system, and laptop...I have a very small budget (approx $300 max);<<

Not possible to get all those items for $300.00, sorry.

I accidentally combined two unrelated phrases into one. I have the laptop, but would need to purchase mics and a pre-amp system to connect to a laptop via usb or 1394.

Also, let me raise the limit to $500.

anonymous Fri, 11/03/2006 - 14:48

Found this Article may help on setup:

click here to listen

Best bet would be to getor borrow a mixer or preamp with phantom power and a Presonus Inspire firewire I/F. If it is possible find a Proaudio shop in your area and see if they have any Stereo Pair condensor mics and asingle condensor mic.

Connect the stereo mics to the two preamp ins of the presonus. Connect the mic for the first chair violin to mixer. Connect the mixer line out to the instrument ins of the Presonus. You can monitor incoming signal from the Presonus. For mic position refer to the above link. This setup will let you record two independent stereo tracks and a third track for the soloist. Then you can mix the tracks with the software.

Most any 4 channel I/F will work. Just make sure the laptop has firewire. USB might be a second Alternative if firewire is not available. The Mics are what is going to kill your budget thats why I suggest to rent.

Hopefully someone could add to this to help get you going.


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