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this is my first post here.
and let me say you guys are great.such attention to detail.i already have learned much reading here in a few days.
I produce dance music.not the trendy commercial kind
but the more experimental variety that you would here at some underground clubs.

I have worked with one of your mods here (don grossinger)he masters all of my vinyl and CD projects,and he does an amazing job.

anyway.. I'm producing a new track and was wondering if anyone can give me some tips.
mainly what i want is for this track to really
be explosive on the floor.any advice on EQ and compression techniques for this genre would be like gold to me.
not many people on this board talk about this not sure how many have had experiance with it.
underground dance is all about the sound.the kick the highs,pressure.
here is a link to an example is a track that sounds excelent to me,it is an mp3(crappy) ...but anyway.

the hihats on this track seem so up front and contained almost disconnected. .hows is this achieved.
how much compression does this track appear to have?does the kick seem heavily compressed?
how do you think the kick has been EQ?

Again any advice you guys have would be helpful...
the track will just be all the sweeter when i bring it to "Don"

Jay J Miceli

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audiowkstation Mon, 11/04/2002 - 18:38

What I am hearing is mostly not so much a compressed kick but synth that is matching and even lower in frequency riding with it and behind it. You get the dB up there and you feel the floor move that the kick is not making happen. Listen to the low synth that has compression that is mixed with, above and below the steady kick. The illusion of the strong kick is that it contains plenty of 2 to 5K slap in upper mids that gives the feel of speed, and the low synth is the foundation. The bottom of the kick is about 52hZ and the synth reaches around 36hZ. The dominant frequency of the kick alone is around 2100.

The thud of the kick is at 90 hZ.

You are hearing varable compression, some instruments (tracks) are heavy compressed some are not. It is a mix of Compressed/ non compressed.

Now the hat has a slight offset, not much that makes it stand out. It also has a higher freqency d beat than the ring which is darker. That with the offset gives the appearence.

I feel the Average whole notes and sustain parts were pushed a tad much...which is in the mix, not mastering compression.

I would use more taste in the sustained parts and make them a shade fuller, not louder...actually fuller and slightly more distant..but this is in mixdown.

Yes this track will rock hard in a disco. I would do this genre quite simalar. If the DJ had bottom /top boost (50 and 10K) the track would really rock in a disco.

It is taylored and cobbled around the feel of the genre.

Remember, the bass you feel in the kick is actually the unifyed synth back there.

anonymous Mon, 11/04/2002 - 19:01

hey now...
kool man thanks for the breakdown...
see what your sayin bout that sub synth..
very interesting.

i have a way better example of the sound i am looking to achieve:

this track is to me one of the best produced in the genre. it is quite current.
don grossinger may have mastered it. i know he does work for the particular artist.

hmm again here with the low synth in the backround.....funny i never paid much attention.

the highs are so smooth...
what frequency is dominant?
hmm...everything just seems to have infinite space...
event though the programing is is never clutter in the mix...this achieved with frequency seperation?

thanks for the help.


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