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ok, here's the deal,

living with other people makes it hard to record whenever I want, and be as loud as I want without annoying somone, and, or atleast being self concious of everyone listening. . also the acoustics are garbage anyway in my wide open untreated room. I have decided that the best thing for me to have is a portable vocal booth I can lock myself in and go nuts anytime I please. my search for something like this brought me to where I would atleast have to spend inbetween 3 to 4 g's for the cheapest model.

would this be the best desicion, or could I potentially build one myself just as good for much cheaper?

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frob Sun, 08/28/2005 - 21:23

get a book on acoustics and soundproofing, if your looking for portability then mabey you sould spend the 4K if your looking for something thats perminent then build it. it will basicly be a near perminant room built inside your room. putting up foam makes it quieter inside the room but does litle to soundproof.
