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How to make a guitar transparent ?

When i think about ART looking at something that is transparent
you can see through it but there is still colour and something
on the picture but the picture is just transparent.

How can i do this a guitar or vocal source to make it transparent
like how ART does transparent art.

Would it be layering the guitar but some how make the guitar
audio clip transparent see through?

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Reggie Thu, 05/12/2005 - 06:31

I know you are probably just trying to get a rise out of us, but johnny is right; I've seen your exact same rubbish at and you have gotten similar response. I don't know if he was serious, but there was a guy over there that claimed he had been posting under walters and a few other names as a goof.

But in the name of keeping this glorious thread alive, does anyone know why my speakers make sound like rolling through a swamp on my recordings, but my Yanni CD sounds like piercing sunrays in space?

How do I give my recordings RFI?

What is RFI?

anonymous Thu, 05/12/2005 - 14:33

Damn you are uptight. Whats a forum without jokes and conversation? PURE BOREDOM! Anyway, I tried to help you out, and after my third attempt at the same question, I gave up because I answered your 3 reworded posts with 3 of my own rewordings to try and make it simpler on you. I used to believe there was no such thing as a dumb question, but now I am having to rethink that. Your most recent question reflect that they do exist.

Well, I'm gonna go play Russian Roulette... anyone wanna join?

Guest Thu, 05/12/2005 - 14:36

walters wrote: Sure buddy
everything BUT PRO AUDIO.

Listen CoCo
I'm NOT your buddy.
And pro audio is not for you. See, :shock: now I'm talking about pro audio. Do you like talking about pro audio?
I love talking about pro audio!
Pro audio, pro audio, pro audio....
It's a word CoCo. It is not a place.
You can't get there by clicking your heals together 3 times. (theres no place like pro audio :oops: )

anonymous Thu, 05/12/2005 - 14:55

Just listen to your music that is what stock is like writers block
stock non creative.

Its best if you don't try to fight and call me names because i
know how to twist peoples minds up with words and i know
how to smoke words so its better if you just stay away from
me since you know who i am pro audio jedi.

KurtFoster Thu, 05/12/2005 - 16:02

and with that ...... it's locked!

This is what happens when an art form in democrotized ... and made affordable to anyone who has a few extra bucks.

No longer is there a "weeding out process" (we called it the intern process or mentoring) where the posers, wannabes and losers are culled ... now everyone has a shot at becoming a mixer or as this wing nut would call it, a "superimposer".

I honestly feel that sometimes, cheap gear has done more to hurt the industry than to help it.

That said, it's a good idea not to feed the TROLLS. yeah, this was fun in a way but when everyone replies to theses kinds of threads, it makes me less willing to simply delete them. If you alll will not contribute to these threads, I and the other mods will just delete them.

Next time the site crashes, think of all the bandwidth wasted on this guy and his 100 posts ...

Don't Feed The TROLLS


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