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Please help me decide what console to get

My goal is to capture magic supernatural moments LOL serious!

Coming from a dm 24 I liked the way I could digitally route signals all over the place inside the dm 24 but I’m not happy with the onboard comps and eq + the constant breaking. I have been updating my setup over the years and I think I’m ready
for a semi serious console.

Kind of stuck right now because there are certain routing options I like about digital
but I love the sound of analog consoles for sure! I got about 10k to spend on a new console.

I’m leaning towards a decent digital console because they are new with warranty and should not require maintenance.

So my options the Sony DMX-r100, DM-2000 or wait for Mackie X
or go analog such as a ghost or an old Trident?

I want to stop updating and make some serious music.

I have heard over and over that 2 inch tape is superior to digital recordings at even the highest sample rates.

Great more money

Over the years I have learned the hard way to buy the good stuff and watch out for mass produced crap.

This is why another part of me is thinking a good old well made analog console might be the best option in the long run.

I don’t mean to ramble its a complex situation.

I’m stressed out all this shipping back and forth to Hawaii is killing me!

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realdynamix Sun, 11/09/2003 - 22:49

Originally posted by setiorion:
never should be a complex situation ??

:) Set, on average how many tracks are you recording at one time?

I like simple going in and save the complex for editing and mixing. I have my instruments into different tracks on my console. I generally record my own music, so it may be 2 pairs of stereo tracks at one time into my DAW, I am using the console pre's, but am hoping to get a Sebatron soon.

All my monitoring is done out of the DAW. Anytime I want an instrument up mic/midi boxes, I just mute what I'm not using on the console and keep the vibe flowing. I will do the same with the outboard pre's, and maybe parts of the console to help with routing signals to the line in's of them and do the mic's direct into them.

My DAW is controlled remote with a nice huge laptop display of all transport, locator, track selection, and record ready switches that I need at a point and click. Then I just Rock on.

Like you, I can let it get too complex ;)


anonymous Mon, 11/10/2003 - 04:33

Hey there ,,

I think " what" you're trying to do sounds pretty cool ...

I just read about the RADAR set up,, and it looks good,,,

I guess you would want your set up MOBILE?? if so this ext, harddisk set up may be more suited to a fussy DAW,

on other hand,, Samplitude and Sequoia both have Video capablilities to sync to audio incase you want that too,,

so in short, go for the cleanest AD/DA converters you can find, with a convinient recording storage,,, and eliminate any speculation that any anomalies of sound come from the gear beeing used,,

also, not sure if you need plug ins like the rest of the music makers, but this is a plus if you dont,

maybe one really good hiss removal type utilty,,

and ofcourse the mic you chosse will help also,,

either way , I think what your going to do is cool, and i hope my limited 2 cents ( canadian thats' 1.6 cents lol) helped a little

peace and good luck

Sanity Inn

Logic rules,emotion wins

anonymous Thu, 11/13/2003 - 15:43

Try a Tascam MX-2424 (however many of them you need, they are 24 tracks each). Do all your onsite recording on those through the preamp and converters of choice, run AES/EBU or ADAT Lightpipe into the 2424s. Bring the 2424's home and do your mixing on a nice analog board, with outboard effects. Mixdown to analog tape or other media of the mastering house's choice. The other option is use the Baby Oxford, which saves a conversion at mixdown, but forces the use of digital effects which in my experience sound flat, but they are making progress every day. The choice comes down to analog vs. digital, and that is a choice you need to make on your own.

Tim Stoel