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I'm putting together a new workstation. I'll be running Sonar and Cool Edit Pro. I want dual monitors. From what I understand, a number of folks have had good success with the Matrox line.

I'll be running XP Pro.

So... which one? For a system dedicated to audio only (no gaming) should I get the 450, 550, or Parphelia? From the specs, it looks like all of them are AGP 4x cards so they are tied there. I don't think I need ultra ultra fast updating screen - we're talking audio editing here!



lorenzo gerace Fri, 05/16/2003 - 23:54


I use a Matrox G450 on my DAW and it works OK; definitely the way to go if you need a dual head card; if you plan to do some audio for video post though I'd recommend you get the Parhelia: It's more expensive, but it will enable you to visualize a Qiuck Time or video preview window of the software you are using to a third full resolution screen; this is a tremendous plus when you are syncing audio to picture, as referring to a stamp like picture isn't easy and healty for your eyes in the long run (tried myself...), not to mention that you can hook up a plasma screen and mix like you were looking the movie in a theatre :D ;) .

For audio only duties, the 450 will work flawless; be sure to update it with the latest drivers which fixed some minor bugs.

Hope this helps
