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Genelec 1029 vs. . Behringer Truth

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 09/26/2001 - 22:23

I can find the Genelec 1029 used for around $650 and the Behringer Truth are $650 new... which one do you guys recommend? I felt the Gens very powerful for the size and with good lows and highs... the Truth sound a little more flat... but I didn't know the room at all and they positioning was quite different from one to another...


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I know this red headed chippie that could suck the chrome off a trailor hitch, and a really tall blonde woman with tits that won't quit. Which one should I marry?

You're asking a question that is impossible to answer, unless we were you. Until you've worked with a set of speakers for a while in your room or on a long term project in several rooms, you have no idea which set will be right for you, nor which ones suck. It's kinda like dating for a while before you commit to the marriage thing.

When I was "monitor shopping" I purchased probably around 15 different sets of monitors before I found a set that worked very nicely for the way I work. Of course, within 5 years of my settling on a set of monitors that rocked my world, the company went out of business and replacement parts became impossible to attain.

I too am back on the hunt for a decent set of nearfields...I just know know if I'm prepared to go through that process again, so I may just use my damn car for reference (ya know, burn a CDR and play it in the car...which means I get to get a CD player for the car and can write it off my taxes!!).

For whatever it might be worth, I've never found a set of powered monitors I thought were worth a shit...and I've also found that which amp you use with which speakers makes a tremendous other words, you have one hell of a hunt on your hands.

Good luck with it.

Thu, 09/27/2001 - 05:19 Permalink
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Originally posted by Fletcher:
I know this red headed chippie that could suck the chrome off a trailor hitch, and a really tall blonde woman with tits that won't quit.

I'd go with the red head myself, I'm not a huge fan of blondes.

The Genelec 1029's are weak in the bass to me. I'd want something that goes a little lower. The best thing to do is try to find a shop that has both as well as some other monitors and listen to them. Also, like Fletcher said, the power amp your using makes a big difference. My Hafler P2400 recently went up in smoke so I grabbed a used Samson Servo 240 from the local music store where I buy my stings and drum heads. It's like listening through a wet cardboard box. Budget for good power.

Thu, 09/27/2001 - 17:22 Permalink