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Why does copying a sample to a second track and then Panning to opposite side of the spectrum(an even amount) make the sample sound bigger. Why wouldn't it be the same as just leaving it in the center?


RecorderMan Tue, 05/28/2002 - 09:51

Originally posted by tundrkys:
Why does copying a sample to a second track and then Panning to opposite side of the spectrum(an even amount) make the sample sound bigger. Why wouldn't it be the same as just leaving it in the center?

Simple math, double ing anthything increase the level by 3db.
BTW, 10db is twice as loud.

Kev Wed, 05/29/2002 - 00:01

Originally posted by Goes to 11:

Its a trick question...
Same power... equals the same loudness.

NOT a trick question .... honest.

As Pan said ... if the amp is cool and up to the task ...

Each speaker has the same voltage across it.
Each speaker draws the same current. (Variations to impendence aside)
The Amp must now deliver twice the current.

So we have two speakers doing the same thing , right next to each other.

The key here is the SAME thing right NEXT to each other.

This is why we love quad boxes. It is called Mutual Coupling.


Should we investigate what happens when we use a Stereo amp in a Bridged Mode into one speaker???


RecorderMan Wed, 05/29/2002 - 07:14

Originally posted by Goes to 11:

Originally posted by RecorderMan:

BTW, 10db is twice as loud.

Ahem... I don't think so...Really...? I'm just workin' from memory here (I'm not going to go look it up). I thought that 10db change is percieved as twice as loud.
What do you say (come to think of it...I will go look it up).
Please re-educate

RecorderMan Wed, 05/29/2002 - 07:15

Originally posted by RecorderMan:

Originally posted by Goes to 11:
Originally posted by RecorderMan:

BTW, 10db is twice as loud.

Ahem... I don't think so...Really...? I'm just workin' from memory here (I'm not going to go look it up). I thought that 10db change is percieved as twice as loud.
What do you say (come to think of it...I will go look it up).
Please re-educate..Wait a second...twice as much power? taht was is right? boy do I look dumb...oh well...

Kev Wed, 05/29/2002 - 12:00

Originally posted by jo:

Yeah go on ...... I never dare to bridge any amps ....

No time for a complete explanation now but here are some key points.

A bridged amp now has TWICE the voltage swing being applied to the speaker.

Each amp module in this bridged application sees effectively HALF the speaker impedence.

There is the potential to deliver FOUR times the power into the speaker.

.... more later.

RecorderMan Thu, 05/30/2002 - 07:56

Originally posted by Goes to 11:
Well.. recorderman you are correct that 10db is perceived as twice as loud.

AHA! vindicated (@least bt you goes to 11)

That's qwhat i always though. BTW wjhat's wrong with perception? It's all we really have to go by. Measuremenst that do not correspond to perception are irrellavent in this field(IMO)

Kev Thu, 05/30/2002 - 11:49

Originally posted by Goes to 11:

Also 10 db is an average number because perception is all so subjective.

Perception IS so subjective.

This is why I wanted to stick with Objective figures.

Two quad boxes don't work quite as well as thing do from a single to a twin and a twin to a quad..... or a quad of quads :D

After that the mutual coupling effect begins to deminish. It is all to do wil wavelength. The distance across the furthest drivers is more than your fundamental wave length.

PA systems have changed since the 80's and CD or constant directivity is the popular way of doing this these days..... and the digital controls systems that keep it all in check.

Back to the point !!
" ..what if you had 2 100 watt Marshalls amping the same guitar (all things being equal) and you turned one off? ""

All things equal there would be a 6 dB drop.