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Okay, so I have about 300-500 dollars maybe a little more, and i'm fine with new or used equipment. I need at least 4 channels of simultaneous recording at 24/96khz, more if possible. Right now I have a Sound Blaster Audigy that sucks, and i borrow a Mackie mixer when i need to record more than 2 mics at a time(drums), and I have an m-audio dmp3 preamp. I keep seeing these "audio interfaces" with like 8 XLR inputs. If I bought one of those would i be able to record 8 sources at once and then just do any mixing in software- bypassing the need for a "real" mixer? This would be preferable if possible. I have USB 2.0 and Firewire on my computer. Please help with picking out quality products I could buy to fit my needs. If possible I would like something with decent converters, as I think that's why my Audigy right now sucks. Thanks!

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anonymous Mon, 09/13/2004 - 04:33

Delta 1010Lt might do it, but you might also check out the new E-Mu 1820. I've got an old E-Mu APS which sounds great but is only 4 in 2 out.
One word of warning though, when Creative bought out E-Mu, they messed E-Mu buyers around something chronic. The drivers which were going to "completely open up the card's potential" never appeared, as all their software staff were shipped over to the SBLive project (which stole the main processor, the E-Mu10k1, from the APS but replaced the great GUI and preamps with cheap tacky low-end game-card parts).
I'm not saying it will happen again, maybe they learned from their mistake, but the truth needed to be said.
In summary, great cards, crap support. Kind of like Digidesign and Apple.

(ooooh controversial)

Phil Plumpton
Technical Engineer
Olympic Studios, EMI Studios Group

sdevino Mon, 09/13/2004 - 04:44

I have owned way toooo many high techie type hardware and software products over the past 25 years. For my money I have never received better support from any company on any product than I have from Digidesign.

The manuals are easy to navigate and written in a clear and logical way (to me). I have never missed a session due to down equipment due to prompt HW support. They publish detailed specs, config guides and compatibility info.

YMMV but mine is that Digi reigns supreme in customer support.


anonymous Mon, 09/13/2004 - 06:09

Wow, really?

You must be one of the lucky ones.

I've had no end of problems with Digidesign. I mean, great equipment, until it goes wrong, then it's the traditional 45-120 minutes on hold to the premium rate care line, after which they tell you, "Hmmn, tricky one. You should send it to an official support centre and pay through the nose for one of our guys to look at it, get it working, then follow the same procedure again when it goes wrong again a week later" and similar vibes.


JeffreyMajeau Mon, 09/13/2004 - 06:52

I agree with Steve about Digi's support. I've set up 3 different PT mix rooms and have had nothing but good experiences with their support and documentation.

I do have an observation, though - If you can get great results by doing it "old school" and not going nuts over track counts and individual inputs for every mic, then you're a better engineer for it.

Remember, it was just 35 years ago when 16 tracks were the cutting edge! Save up and wait till you can afford stuff at least in the 1500-2500 ballpark. It's more about mic placement and the decisions you make beforehand than it is about mixing in software. Besides, mixing is a lot easier when you've had to make choices as you go ;P.

JeffreyMajeau Mon, 09/13/2004 - 07:31

Could be that the support in the US is better than in the UK. Not sure though. I've read digi bashing from US customers as well. A lot of it came down to people not knowing how to use what they bought; I don't think that's the issue at Olympic though, eh? I still dig the sound of all the Hendrix stuff recorded there. Anyway, I think it's a hot/cold issue, sometimes you get great support, sometimes you get not so great support even from the same company. I haven't had any bad experiences with Digi, Adobe, Matrox, to mention a few.

JeffreyMajeau Mon, 09/13/2004 - 07:46

When I used Apple stuff, their support was at least acceptable. They love to pass the buck, from what I remember. "That's not our problem, that's your 3rd party hardware". Etc. I've avoided that fracas over the last 3 years bootstrapping a business by going PC. Not always an option, I know.

Anyway, a good box in the 4-500 range for the original poster is an mbox, some of the MOTU stuff is cool, as well. A used 001 Factory is right in that range.