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Hi gang...
I'm finally having a long-overdue surgery performed on Wednesday ( tomorrow), to have scar tissue removed from my bladder and urethra, which was in part caused by the radiation treatments I had last year, the other part being hereditary. ( Thanks, Pop. LOL)

The result of the obstructions and scar tissue is that I have a constant urge to go, even if I really don't have to, but most of the time I do, and then it's like "gotta go, and I mean NOW" out of nowhere with no warning.

I'm hoping this surgery will cure that. It's a real drag to feel like I have to constantly be near a bathroom all day. Car rides over 30 minutes are damn near impossible without me having to find a gas station or rest area.

Anyway, the Doc has said that I should expect some "relatively serious pain." I'm not looking forward to the surgery (who does, right?), nor am I excited about walking around with a cath for a week ( :unsure:) but I am looking forward to feeling better again afterwards.

Anyway, I may end up being away from RO for the rest of this week... and because I usually post something here at least once a day, I just didn't want anyone thinking I'd suddenly disappeared. ;)



audiokid Tue, 04/11/2017 - 07:16

Hey, I'm wishing you full recovery. It sounds like once this is over, you will have a burden behind you. Please let us know how it goes the moment you are able to chime in. I'll be sending you virtual Mesanovic microphones.

I'm on a song writing journey now and found this, then thought about you. Might be fun thinking of lyrics while you are recovering.

Again, please let us know how it goes the moment you are able to chime in.

DonnyThompson Tue, 04/11/2017 - 07:35

audiokid, post: 449443, member: 1 wrote: 'm on a song writing journey now and found this, then thought about you. Might be fun thinking of lyrics while you are recovering.

It's been one of my main go to songwriting tools for years, Chris. ;)
It's great to be able to find a rhyme for "purple"... uhm, errr.... you know what I mean. ;)

I think the bulk of this recovery is going to be me digging in more on that "Recording The Beatles" book that Terry gave me a few weeks ago.

I don't know that I could apply any of the things they did - LOL - without having Fairchilds and EMI desks and Studer tape machines, and C12, U47 and 67 mics.. not to mention The Beatles themselves LOL - but it sure is a lot of fun to read.

This past weekend, I dug out my old CD's of the "greatest hits" albums that were released back in the 70's - the "Red" and "Blue" collections, I'm sure you remember those.... and it's very cool to read the book while actually listening to what they explain in the book. Paperback Writer is one of my favorite songs by the Fabs, a song I've always loved .... but now I get to listen to it while reading along with Geoff Emerick's recollections of how he mic'd and mixed the tracks for it.
( FWIW he used an AKG C12 backed off of Paul's bass amp by about 3 feet, and combined that with a DI. ;) )

It's kinda given me a "new way" to listen to these songs I have always loved - but have heard so many ( countless) times over the years.
In a way, it's a bit like hearing them again for the first time. ;)

DonnyThompson Thu, 04/13/2017 - 03:09

Hi guys.
Surgery went well. Right now I'm walking (shuffling and limping, baby steps) with a Foley Cather connected directly to my bladder
Yesterday was pretty bad but it's not so bad today. The upside is I can drink as much fluids as I want and never have to "go". The downside is I have to carry this bag around cuz it's connected to me...
Hopefully it'll come out tomorrow.
Thanks again for all your well-wishes

audiokid Thu, 04/13/2017 - 08:12

DonnyThompson, post: 449473, member: 46114 wrote: Thanks,guys. Surgery is scheduled for 8:30 am, gotta be there a few hours before that for prep. The hardest thing at the moment is not having coffee, I can't have anything to eat or drink after midnight, so right now I'm just kinda sitting here... lol. But they didn't say anything about not having any cigs, sooo.... ;)

Thats funny.
Glad you are feeling better. Sounds like you haven't missed a beat. Right on. :)