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Has anyone used the 2108? I really don't know what to make of this pre on the basis of everything I've read.


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John Stafford Sat, 07/30/2005 - 19:35

Hi Kurt
I had come across the connection with the 1176 right enough, but very little about the way it sounds, so thanks for that. I'd still love to give one a try though -It could be really cool on the organ :twisted:


That reminds me, I've always wanted to send the 'cello and bass sections of an orchestra through a Spinal Tap sized Marshall stack. Maybe I should take up embroidery instead :D

bap Sat, 07/30/2005 - 19:53

That's cute John!

The pre I'm probably most curious about but can afford the least is a Gordan. I haven't heard much mention of it on the Acoustic Music board but it seems to make many mic pre dreamers - as well as high end engineers - lustful.

Have you checked these out? They were recently described on the slutz forum as beyond transparent. Someone called their sound quality 'holographic'.