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ok so I recently purchasesd the new Daw, Dell Dimension 8400 3.2 P4 /w 1GB 533 DDR2 Ram. While i was messign aorund today i foudn a EW Colossus Sample that i oculd not load into memory with the 1 GB ram and 2 GB swap.

That is one hell of a samplel there..

Wel lthe questiosn are, I figure that i need to up the ram to 2 or 3 gigs because i don't think increasing hte swapfile to a larger size will be the best solution for loading samples.

Also, opinions on the quality of the ram. DO i go for the full fledged stuff or woudl a name brand value ram be ok.?
For "Dell approved" Crucial it is 205 for the 1GB and 85 for the 512 sticks.

Thanks in advance.

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Big_D Mon, 03/28/2005 - 19:28

It all depends on whether you plan to remove your old RAM and replace it or just add to what you have.

If you're going to just add to it I would stick with the exact same DIMM's you have (the Crucial part # should be on the DIMM).

If you intend to replace it then any good RAM should do. I like Corsair, their Value Select is fine for DAW use but if you really want to go the extra mile try their XMS.

Good Luck


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