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Why use a control surface when you can use the controls inside the rec software? is there anything different?
May be it's a stupid question!

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johnwy Mon, 12/20/2004 - 13:08

Well, those of us who grew up on those big honkin' consoles (like Neve, SSL, API, etc) we love to have at our finger tips faders to push, knobs to spin, buttons to break, lights to burn out, modules to burst into flames (depending on the console).... 8-)

but seriously, what david just stated pretty much sums it up

KurtFoster Mon, 12/20/2004 - 14:04

I used to own a large format console ... I miss the sound of it but that's all. I usually mix one element at a time anyhow and with automation, I see no need for multiple faders.

I think the popularity of control surfaces is attributable to that many people are used to seeing a surface with a lot of controls on it in a studio ... the "ohhh factor" of it .... not the connivance it affords. This is reinforced by the ads I see for Argosy consoles and the like, ... you know those big expensive desks they make to house cheesy little mixers, so they look like an old Neve?

Kev Mon, 12/20/2004 - 14:32

Two operators on a desk can do two movements each in one pass .... at least.

Mouse only, is one operation at a time.

It's all about personal choice.

Control surfaces will need to standardise parts of there operation and methods of display and programming. The guys at MidiBox seem to have better ideas than the pro-manufacturers. This could all end up being just like the GM GS GX wars of Roland and Yamaha for midi sound sets....
A shame as it only ends up confusing the customers.

A control surface should NOT need an instruction book to accomplish the simple tasks.

frob Mon, 12/20/2004 - 17:06

the only thing i ever really wanted out of a control surface is transport controles. none of the control sufaces out there offer only this and im not gointo dish out 1k plus to acoblish this litle task. so if any one out there works for korg dev or even berhringer, is listening build a simple inexpencive unit that works for trancport and only transport LCD counter would be nice to, MUST HAVE A JOG WEEL and feel solid with spring loaded buttons lights and no faders. for under 200. thats perfactly pheasable.

Big_D Mon, 12/20/2004 - 18:10

the only thing i ever really wanted out of a control surface is transport controles. none of the control sufaces out there offer only this and im not gointo dish out 1k plus to acoblish this litle task. so if any one out there works for korg dev or even berhringer, is listening build a simple inexpencive unit that works for trancport and only transport LCD counter would be nice to, MUST HAVE A JOG WEEL and feel solid with spring loaded buttons lights and no faders. for under 200. thats perfactly pheasable.

That's exactly what I have wanted also.

Hey frob, check this out. It was at AES and it migh be just what you're looking for.

Thanks David, It looks perfect (it's wireless even)! rememeber the problem I had hitting record from the other side of the room :lol:

KurtFoster Mon, 12/20/2004 - 21:29

Just about all DAW programs allow the user to assign keys on the keyboard for specific functions. Check it out.

I use the <- & -> arrows for fast forward and rewind, the down arrow for stop and the 0 for play and the enter key (on the keypad) and space bar both for record on my DAW ... it works great!

Kev Wed, 12/22/2004 - 12:54

I suppose it might be possible to relocate the wheel into a new case and then give it new more familiar buttons.

Big positive action style buttons like those found on old Tape Deck remotes.

The control surfaces that some of the guys at midibox make are just stunning. One day a manufacturer will get it right.

golli Thu, 12/23/2004 - 15:15

Kev wrote: who about this old faithful

Just got this thing (shuttle) WOW, just makes everything go faster in the workflow. Esp. if I make shure to insert markers, then I'm lightyears ahead of myself. Only used it in Vegas and Sound Forge, so far but plan to implement it into Pro Tools LE as soon as I finish my current project.

As to the original topic, I dont have and dont plan to invest in those control surfaces. They just cost to much :cry: would rather spend on mic's, good conversion, anything that would directly affect the sound in a positive way. The Shuttle was dirt cheap so I got it.

Merry Christmas guys and gals.