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Hi to all !
I have a small but usefull homestudio with Tascam Dm-24, Dynaudio BM15A, Cubase SX ..
What i needed at last was a good and usefull Preamp/Mik Combination for Vocal-Recordings
Yesterday i bought a Brauner Phantom V.
So i am still searching for a good Preamp about
1500,- EUR.

SPL Gainstation 1 + Digital Option
Millennia TD-1
Avalon M5

What would you perfer ?

(i'm from germany - so sorry about my english)

thanks !

:) :) :)



AudioGaff Fri, 01/09/2004 - 02:17

The UA 610 is a very heavely colored mic pre. If you already have other mic pre's then this would be another great option to have available but it may not be always the best for you or for every song. I'm rather an old school guy that loves and for the most part, relies on the old proven classics of Neve, API and John Hardy. So in that in vain, for something really clean, detailed, and musical I prefer the John Hardy, Avalon M5, dbx 786, Great River MP-2, for colored it would be something like API, Neve or one of the clones, UA 610, Manley, Fearn VT-1 or VT-2, Focusrite Red or ISA units. Really, there are too many really great ones these days to list them all.

anonymous Fri, 01/09/2004 - 03:02

you're right. But most of the "toys" you've listed
are in a much more cost intensive area over 2,5K
or 3K.
I'm not a professional - and between 1K and 2K it seems, there are not so many Preamps to choose of.
I will test the Gainstation, Avalon and the Millennia, if i can get one.

Thanks a lot !


anonymous Fri, 01/09/2004 - 04:27

Thanks Mike !

I will take a look on the chandler. And there is a shop here in Munich, where i can test it.

VINTECH - seems to be difficult to get it here in Germany - no internet-adress found.

Germany, sorry for that, ist'n full of old Telefunken, Siemens or TAB Preamps ;-))
They're rare - in Germany too.

Maybe i can get Telefunken V676a, Siemens V276 or Neumann V476.
I've heard TAB V76 or TAB V72a are really good.

What about a Neumann V476/W491 combination ?



anonymous Sat, 01/10/2004 - 17:52

I'd go with the Avalon too. But if you got the extra cash sometime, look into the Liquid Channel made by focusrite. Its a digital mic pre and compressor in one that emulates over 50 mic pres and compressors with any combination of the available emulations. From what I hear it is VERY accurate to the origonal sound of the mic pres and compressors.

anonymous Fri, 01/16/2004 - 01:06

I bought a SPL Gainstation 1. It is a absolut
clean sounding tool when you use only the clean-Input. You have a second Input-Control for Tube.
So you can mix clean and tube as you like and get a warm sound too.
Gainstation has two limiters (Peak/FET).I got it together with a 24bit/96khz A/D Digital option and a really nice bag for about 900 EUR.
Using the digital-option i can connect the Gainstation digital with my Tascam DM-24 or to my RME 9652. I think the A/D Converter of the Gainstation is much better that the Tascams.
You can use analog outputs/inputs for an insert effekt as far as i know. I've ordered a FMR RNC Compressor for that.
The Gainstation has another Option:
Lundahls on Input and Output.

I think for the price, this piece of gear is hard to beat.




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