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what is the best possible thing you would put an MD421 mic on?

that is, if you only have 1 md421, what would you use it for? obviously it'd be nice on a tom, but without matching mics would you really want to?

so answer the question



natural Fri, 01/30/2009 - 09:23

It really depends on what other mics you have.
If you have 57's then the 421 is best on bass inst.
IF you have D112 or ATM25's then 421 is best on midrange inst.
But as Moonbaby said, It's just really good on everything.
I've used it for voc and voice overs. It just depends on what else is in your mic arsenal.

RemyRAD Fri, 01/30/2009 - 10:39

I love those on snare drum. I love those on bass drum. I love those on the entire drum kit. I've even use them as overheads though not my favorite in that application.

They are a popular radio station disc Jockey microphone. Although I really don't care for them on voice. Pop, yeah they Pop.

Great for recording gun blasts! Bang! And the way they were advertised.
Ms. Remy Ann David

Davedog Fri, 01/30/2009 - 15:27

rockstardave wrote: [quote=moonbaby]"Matching mics"???

uhh yeah. whats the problem?

matching mics = mics that are the same. as i mentioned- in the application of tom drums. would you really want to have 1 md421, 1 sm57, and 1 opus88?

probably not. but that was my question.

First, If you have skills, it doesnt matter what mic is used where....though I will qualify this to say that due to polar patterns, frequency responses, actual physical shape limiting placement options, and hardiness, there are some mics you wouldnt attempt to place on a drum kit...especially if you have a drummer playing said kit.... response to your question, you might very well want a combination of mics on a tom setup. Theres no rule that "All toms mics must be the same".....

There IS, however, a rule that must be addressed..." ALL toms must be well tuned"

BobRogers Fri, 01/30/2009 - 16:33

One reason not to worry about matching tom mics is if your drummer treats them as different drums rather than as a linked set. Lately I've been recording a jazz group and an "Americana" (shorter than folk/country/rock/pop/blues) group and neither drummer is big on tom rolls. When I mic the toms (which I don't usually do) I put a D112 on the floor tom and 57s on the other two. Both drummers use the floor tom more as a higher version of the kick than as part of a matched set of toms. Makes sense to me to give it it's own type of mic.

Of course there is nothing like a beautiful set of matched, perfectly tuned Hal Blaine style toms going down a scale - and fully deserving of the same mic on every drum.

Unfortunately, Hal has never been in my studio. If he gives me notice that he is coming, I'll buy a 421 for every tom - and watch every move as he or his tech tunes them.

AudioGaff Thu, 02/12/2009 - 18:56

what is the best possible thing you would put an MD421 mic on?

The best possible thing I would put a MD421 mic on is the thing I thought would be the best possible match for the MD421 mic.

That may sound like a smart ass answer, but it is completely true of the MD421 as it is for any other mic.

I have used and continue to use the MD421 on any and every possible audio source I have encountered, including one of my favorite uses, sound design with what most of you around here would likely now refer to as the old school recording technique called sampling...

AudioGaff Mon, 02/16/2009 - 20:13

While this answer is also true, your not going to likey like this answer either. This is isn't meant to be mean or even specific to just you, but it should be understood.

Since you don't seem to have the skill and experience of using a MD421, there is no point of reference for me to explain why I would pick a MD421 over another mic. It sounds like a MD421. Once you have developed the skill and have many hours of experience using one, you will likely remember that as a point of reference.

It's not about what anyone or I think. Your the one that needs to decide. If you really want to learn what a mic is good at and not good at, go use the mic, not just read about it in a forum.

I nor anyone else can explain or teach you skill or experience. In the time it has taken this thread to get where it is, you could have logged many hours with a MD421 doing what engineers do and then come to your own conclusions based on your experiences.