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I am using a Digi 003 rack and a AKG perception 200 mic. I noticed that when recording vocals that they sound a little thin. Am I suppsoed to be using a preamp in between the two or is it recommended? On second thought could it be the mic?



BobRogers Mon, 04/07/2008 - 08:37

I assume you are just starting out. The mic that you have and the pres in the 003 aren't going to give you any problems. Sure there is better equipment out there, but when you are starting out there is almost always a dozen things that you can do for free that will be more improvement than any piece of equipment. Start with mic positioning. Move the mic around the room. Change the position of the singer with respect to the mic. Try moving around cushions, furniture, blankets. Try a different room.

BobRogers Mon, 04/07/2008 - 18:45

I have not used the mxl 770, but it's another inexpensive condenser like your AKG Perception 200. We'd have to know more about what you are trying to record to make intelligent recommendations.

But since I'm short on intelligence tonight (and don't really care who wins the ame)....why are you looking at condensers rather than dynamics. In your price range that tends to be like buying a tough gristly piece of steak rather than a great burger. Shure 57 gets used all the time by people with million dollar studios. There are other options for dynamics, but that's my favorite. Used three of them tonight while my AKG 414s sat in the box. Yeah, the 414s will come out tomorrow when I record vocals, but I'd rather record vocals with a 57 rather than a thin sounding condenser. (Your 200 may not be thin - might be technique or your room - but there are crappy sounding condensers out there.)


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