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I was just wondering if anyone can help me. I've been listening to pop bands such as Miley Cyrus, Stephanie McIntosh, Nickleback etc. the drums on some of their tracks sound huge compared to a lot of other bands out there, I was wondering if anyone has any idea on how they do it. I've tried every mic placement i can think of, i have then EQed them and tried compressing them and limiting them, and I'm not having a lot of luck!

the mics i have consist of:
Neumann TLM 103
sE Electronics 2200A
Red 5 x 2
Shure SM58 x 5
Shure SM57 x 1
Shure Beta 52A

I don't have a lot of outboard gear at the minute. Im using logic's software plugins mainly.

Some of the songs I've been listening to that have good examples of these drum sounds are:

"So Do I Say Sorry First" Stephanie McIntosh
"start all Over" Miley Cyrus
"Behind these hazel eyes" Kelly Clarkson

if anyone needs to listen to them to see what i mean, if you search for them on you will find them.

I will appreciate any help anyone can give me.

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multoc Sun, 01/18/2009 - 17:01

one: logic's software plugins are huge! Much better than your standard plugins that come with a program (protools plugins are shit, though i hear version 8 is a huge improvement).

two: alot of the bands you mentioned are guilty of sound replacement, I can't vouch for it but judging from how consistant each hit on a lot of the music I would be willing to be a good chunk of change on it.

thats my take on it, it also helps that they're recording into multimillion dollar equipment...SSL boards, etc etc, but make your mixes close, then go from there!

good luck

sweeterstudios Mon, 01/19/2009 - 17:42

I would recommend MD421s for toms they have big dynamic range, use a Shure sm81 for your hi-hats, Shure sm57 or Beta 57for snare, Shure Beta 52 or Akg D112 for bass drum, Akg C414s or 451s for over heads and get a UAD card and perhaps SSL Duende for the plug-ins that will rival the big studios. Most Important is a quality Drummer and a quality Drum set that is tuned properly! This little bit of money in comparison to the big studios will go a very long way.

Good Luck!

anonymous Tue, 01/20/2009 - 16:53

ok cool, thanks alot for the advice, i really appreciate it. is that sound mainly down to just having more advanced expensive gear then?

ive been using a shure betta 52 for the bass drum, i can get a good bass drum sound but it doesn't sound huge like theirs. does the D112 give a better sound, or is there not alot of difference between the two?

I've read that they use more expensive Neumann mics in the bass drum (which eventually ruins the mics) as well as a D112 out side the drum. would stuffing an old cheap spare condenser in there sound any good? haven't got round to trying it yet, (and ive been wondering if it will be worth sacrificing a mic!). or do you reckon its not anything to do with the mics but more to do with better plug ins.

(the mic i was going to stuff in there can handle 130dB i think, but im not sure what a bass drum can bang out)

anonymous Tue, 01/20/2009 - 17:59


yep as you listen to these bands drum sound is not really recording real drum sound. even they are recording real drum they replace sound specially kick and snare. and you use logic 8? it is really powerful programs that i ve been using them for 6 years now.
let me know.

My experiances to recording drum as rock n roll. it is very straight forward actually. as you mentioned mics for each drums. there is no specific mics for drums. sometime really bed mic is working really well in drum recording.

all closed mic is good for each characters and overhead mic depends on what you want it. space pair or XY pair so on...

Room mic is really important as well that it makes really powerful drum sound.
there is many technics as room mic.

if you want to have great kick sound there is some technics for kick
that use parralle compressor technics. it gives you more punch and thickness.

snare as well parralle compressor and little a bit of limiter. for eq that snare is well responds around 500 to 4khz. but if you boost too much around 2 to 4 khz then you might lost some vocal sound.

tom tom that you should use gate. Gate is quiet important for drum mixing.

i hope that i help you little a bit

if you have any question i am open mind so let me know mate

sweeterstudios Wed, 01/21/2009 - 10:31

The Akg and Beta 52 are about the same. The trick with a big powerful drum sound is by using a mixture of room mics and playing around with eq, compression and gates.

In general you can cut any sound below 30-50hz (this will clear up the sound) with bass drums increase one to three db at 1-3khz for more attack and increase by 1-3 db at 100-220 hz for more oomph and cut some a few db any where from 350-450 hz to get rid of some boxyness sound.

I mention between certain frequencies because you have to have each drum complement the others in regards to frequencies. In addition you don't want to mask the bass guitar or the other drums by adding or cutting to many frequencies in the same frequency range as the other instruments.

Another very important thing to do when mixing drums is to solo and then unsolo after you make achange to see how it reacts and sounds with the other instruments. Sometimes it is better to make a second and third cjhange to one tracks eq while also hearing the other tracks. Then go back and listen in solo. It may not sound as good by itself but unsolo it and see how it sound with the rest of the drum tracks. Because you have multiple mics on a drum set you should be aware that there is bleed from all the mics and there for the drums only sound full with all the tracks on. The eq is fine tuning the individual tracks to bring out certain characteristics and cutting out some of the "garbage sounds".

Another trick for toms is to cut in between each tom hit and fade in and out by the beginning and ending of each hit, this will sound more natural then gating. With other drum tracks the gate is good for bringing out more attack and is better when you have a lot of hits such as snare and bass drum. play around with the attack and release to find a good match for a specific drum track.

As far as the higher end plug-ins I mentioned such as SSL Duende and UAD cards they will definately give you more of the high end sound of high end studios. In addition a lot of there presets sound really good with little tweaking to get it to your taste.

I hope this information will help you and others!